- Fritz John necessary optimality condition FritzJohn必要最优性条件
- Fritz John necessary optimality condition on Riemannian manifolds 必要最优性条件
- Second Order Necessary Optimality Condition for Mathematical Programming in Banach Spaces Banach空间中数学规划问题的二阶最优性条件
- Annotations of the Necessary Optimality Condition for a Class of Programming Problems 一类规划问题所给最优性必要条件的注记
- necessary optimality condition 必要最优性条件
- Necessary Optimality Conditions for Vector Extremum Problems with Equality Constraint in Product of Banach Spaces 乘积Banach空间中等式约束向量极值问题的最优性必要条件
- A note on necessary optimality conditions for a class of generalized fractional programming 一类广义分式规划最优性必要条件的注记
- necessary optimality conditions 最优性必要条件
- Based on the reliability metric, a modified Chase algorithm is proposed, and an optimality condition suitable for nonbinary codes is derived. 提出了一种修正的Chase算法;
- The vector extreme problems with the set constraint in the ordered linear topological spaces are studied. The necessary and sufficient optimality conditions are established. 在序线性拓扑空间里研究了含有集约束向量极值问题的最优性条件;并建立了充分性和必要性条件.
- An optimality condition for a linear bilevel multiobjective programming problem is presented, and a theorem for the test of a non-inferior solution is given. 证明了 线性两层多目标规划问题的可行解集是连通闭集,并给出了可行解集的构 造。
- Combining power system safety with economy, the Optimal Power Flow (OPF) is a necessary optimizing tool in electric network. 最优潮流是将运行经济性与静态安全性结合在一起的电力系统稳态运行工况控制分析方法。
- Optimal condition for weak minimizer was obtained based on the subdifferential. 在次微分意义下,获得了集值映射优化的弱极小元的最优性条件。
- In order to improve the irradiation uniformity of spherical target for laser direct driven sfsion, it is necessary optimizing the configuration of beams. 为提高激光直接驱动聚变中球靶的辐照均匀性,必须对光束的排布进行优化。本文通过分析球谐模的几何因子,提出了光束排布的优化规则。
- There is also a comprehensive treatment of optimality conditions, Lagrange multiplier theory, and duality theory. 这门课程也包括了对最适化条件,拉格朗日乘数理论,和对偶理论的综合论述。
- It is necessary that he be sent there at once. 有必要马上派他到那里去。
- Set-valued Optimization,Tangent cone,Set-valuedderivative,Optimality condition Duality,Nonsmooth analysis. 集值优化;切锥;集值导数;最优性条件;对偶;非光滑.
- Abstract: The vector extreme problems with the set constraint in the ordered linear topological spaces are studied.The necessary and sufficient optimality conditions are established. 摘 要: 在序线性拓扑空间里研究了含有集约束向量极值问题的最优性条件;并建立了充分性和必要性条件.
- The equivalence between the optimality function and the first order optimal condition is discussed. 论述了最优性函数与一阶最优性条件的等价性。
- The optimality condition for the trajectory optimization problem was analyzed according to optimality theory. 根据最优性原理确定了最优滑翔弹道问题的最优性条件。