- Are we neat and orderly? (No spitting. 生活整洁吗?(不吐口水?
- neat and orderly strokes 笔法工整
- The renter shall keep the house in a neat and orderly state. 租赁者要保持房屋整洁有序。
- The renter shall keep the house in a neat and orderly state . 租赁者要保持房屋整洁有序。
- First of all, it emphasizes that we should put our clothes away in a neat and orderly fashion, and not be sloppy or messy. 首先还是强调衣物的摆放要整洁有序,不要随随便便,邋邋遢遢的。
- In other games of the tent, be a neat and orderly arranged in ranks, anxious eyes do not look forward to residence. 在其他的游戏帐篷外,一条条整齐的队伍有序地排列着,焦急的眼神都不住地眺望着。
- Building and grounds well maintained and reflect a quality image in all respects. Outdoor storage areas neat and orderly. 厂房和地面得到良好的维护并在各方面反映良好的质量形象。室外储存区域整洁干净。
- Good: Building and grounds well maintained and reflect a quality image in all respects. Outdoor storage areas neat and orderly. 好:厂房和地面得到良好的维护并在各方面反映良好的质量形象。室外储存区域整洁干净。
- They used to be neat and orderly but now looked a little untidy with pages rolled up.As I stroked their covers I coundn't help feeling sorry for them. 书已经有些卷了,记得它们借出去的时候还都是平展展的,手抚着书页,不自禁地有些心疼。
- They used to be neat and orderly but now looked a little untidy with pages rolled up.As I stroked their covers I couldn’t help feeling sorry for them. 书已经有些卷了,记得它们借出去的时候还都是平展展的,手抚着书页,不自禁地有些心疼。
- Responsible for maintaining the stockroom and all stock areas in a neat and orderly manner storing materials to be used on a first in first out basis. 负责维护和保持仓库和所有存放区域干净整洁,物料存放有序和确保使用的先进先出。
- Hang a function a lot of, can place dressing, chopstick, bottle and kitchen knife, make extremely mixed and disorderly kitchen space becomes neat and orderly. 金属挂件让厨房空间获得延伸,不论是瓶瓶罐罐,还是碗盘杯碟,都有了自己的位置。
- Sitting room layout with neat and orderly give priority to a line, smallpox correspondence is designed, colour is bouncing but none exaggerative. Calm in show rare elegant spirit. 客厅布局以整洁有序为主线,天花对应设计,色彩跳跃但毫不夸张。沉静中显示出少有的雅气。
- I am neat and orderly. 我做事井井有条。
- They have cheered at the Busan Asian Games and attracted media attention with their neat and orderly dancing and singing.Their slogan for cheering has been catchwords throughout the country. 她们曾亮相釜山亚运会,凭借整齐划一的舞蹈和演唱受到媒体瞩目,助威口号也一度成为流行语。
- Anticnemion draws a circle seawater lines.This implement dimension is more meticulous than small, within bottom foot “Guangxu year of Qing Dynasty” was engraved, character style is neat and orderly. 胫部绘一周海水纹,此器尺寸较小,制作精细考究,器型规整,胎质细腻坚密,釉色匀净,红彩鲜艳动人,底足内书“大清光绪年制”六字青花楷书款,字体工整,笔画清晰,青花发色深沉。
- As neat as a pin Neat and orderly 极为整洁
- He keeps his office neat and tidy. 他保持办公室清洁整齐。
- They are living in a peaceful and orderly world. 他们生活在一个清平世界中。
- Your room is a marvel of neatness and order. 你的房间整洁得出奇。