- near surface flaw 近表面缺陷
- Cutter Drag - A surface flaw directional to edge of the glass caused by a cutting wheel or head making contact with the glass. 刀轮划伤-由切割刀轮造成的朝向玻璃边部的表面缺陷,或者因为刀轮与玻璃表面接触而产生。
- The speed with which a penetrant penetrates a surface flaw is influenced to the greatest extent by which of the following properties? 下列哪种性能对渗透剂渗入表面缺陷的速度影响最大?
- The concentration of total alkalinity was high in the near surface layer of the shelf area and the shelf break area. 陆架区的近表层和陆架坡折区分别有一个高碱度区。
- Such inspection methods seek out surface flaws in materials. 这样的检验方法可以找出原材料表面的瑕疵。
- However, people"cognition about paralic zone is far not enough, and the near surface structure of paralic zone is not simple as people imagined. 然而,现在对滩浅海地区认识还不够,同时,滩浅海地区近地表结构并不是想象的那么简单。
- A sharp temperature increase across the mid-mantle transition zone inhibits a simple downward-extrapolation from the near surface data. 中地幔过渡带有一个温度突然增加,因此不能根据近地表数据向下做简单的外推。
- Twin-well microlog data can be used to infer the variability of velocity and thickness of near surface in vertical and horizontal direction, as well as statics. 利用双井微测井资料可以得到地震工区内表层速度和厚度在横向上和纵向上的变化规律,为地震资料的室内处理提供静校正量。
- The paper introduces a new method of refraction tomographic inversion static correction, which can properly calculate the statics resulted from complex near surface conditions. 摘要折射层析反演静校正能够较好地解决复杂近地表引起的静校正量问题。
- Recent years, there are serial experimental and theoretical researches on the new technique of RC structures strengthened with near surface mounted FRP. 摘要最近几年来,国外对表层嵌贴FRP复合材料加固混凝土结构这一新技术进行了一系列的试验和理论研究。
- This paper discusses the calculation of near surface shear velocity by spectral analysis of surface waves (SASW) and multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW). 介绍了用面波的谱分析法(SASW)及多道分析法(MASW)求取近地表横波速度剖面。
- Cementite of high carbon steel wire decomposes easily near surface layer with high temperature because of wire drawing and in the region of small distance between layers after drawing. 高碳钢丝的渗碳体在因拉拔而温度升高的表层附近及拉丝后的片层间距小的区域更易分解;
- These mineralized vein bodies are usually distributed within fractures of regional fault with medium or low dip angle near surface and high angle bellow or their alternating occarrences. 矿化脉体多分布在区域断裂的裂隙构造中,矿化体在地表以中(或低)角度产出,向下以高角度产出,或者两者交替产出形成类似于倾斜的“阶梯”状。
- The results show that over the Huanghai Sea and the East China Sea area there is warm and humid air advection from south sea area in the near surface atmosphere in both day and night in May and June. 分析结果表明;黄海、东海海域近海面大气层于5月和6月无论白天和夜间都有来自南方海域的暖湿空气的平流输送.
- With air-formed films the faradaic processes decreased progressively to a constant rate consistant with the increase in potential, indicating the healing of surface flaws. 对于空气氧化膜,电化学反应速度逐步变慢,直至达到相应于稳定钝态的恒定值,同时电位向正移动,表明膜中的微裂纹不断得到修补。
- In addition to the petroleum geologic conditions,the main causes are also related with the properties of near surface sediments and the geographical and geomorphologic landscape conditions. 其主要原因除与油气地质条件相关外,还取决于近地表沉积物的性质,以及地理、地貌的景观条件。
- Safe assessment of surface flaw under mismatched weld in offshore pipeline 焊缝非匹配海管表面缺陷的安全评定
- His clinic is near the newly-built railway station. 他的诊所在新建的火车站附近。
- It's dangerous to be so near to the tiger. 离老虎那么近是很危险的。
- The surface area of aggregate per unit volume of mortar does have influence on the mean value of the nearest surface spacing, but the ratio between them is not constant. 单位砂浆体积下集料的表面积的变化对邻近集料表面最近间距的平均值有影响,但二者之间的比值并非常数。