- Analogism of TCM is employed based on syncretism of nature and human beings,via Xiang-shu system,to obtain various kinds of phenomenological ideas and models by realization. 它是在天人整体观的思想指导下,通过象数方法,进行取象运数,从而获得各种意象概念、唯象模型,在此基础上进行体悟和类推的一种方法。
- Reflection on the concept premise and study of the reality show that the value of human beings should be realized in the harmony between the nature and human beings. 通过对观念前提的反思和对实际情况的深入研究可以发现 ,人的价值终究应在与自然和睦相处的过程中实现
- From Dong Zhongshu's world view of nature-human telepathy, an interrelationship exists between nature and human beings and between the natural world and human society. 摘要董仲舒从天人同类、彼此感应的宇宙观出发,认为天与人、自然界与人类社会是相互联系的;
- Waer ezu Dance is a record of both history and culture.Their song and dance are unstrained and delighted,pursuing the harmony of nature and human beings. 歌曲旋律粗犷奔放,舞蹈节奏自由明快,追求天人合一、万物和谐共生。
- harmonious combination of nature and human beings 天人合一
- Fish, birds and human beings are all vertebrates. 鱼、鸟和人类都是脊椎动物。
- The window opens up the dissepiment between nature and human being, lets part of the spring come in the house, makes us enjoy ourselves not have to go out. 窗子打通了大自然和人的隔膜,把风和太阳逗引进来,使屋子里也关着一部分春天,让我们安坐了享受,无需再到外面去找。
- interaction of nature and human beings 天人合一
- Facing the large area of the West Lake and with the ancient camphor around, the ascendant elements embody the best idea of syncretism of the nature and human being. 在优胜美地,鸟鸣风吟成为大自然赐予的最好背景音乐。
- harmony between nature and human beings 天人合一
- Relationship between the nature and human beings 人和自然关系
- Nature and human life are as various as our several constitutions. 正如我们的各种体制一样,大自然和人生也是变化多端的。
- The reconciliation of God and human beings brought about by Jesus. 神人和解耶稣带来的上帝与人类的和解。
- Another is the "Nature and Humanity" ideology. 另一个是“天人合一”思想。
- Fish, birds, and human beings are vertebrates. 鱼、鸟和人类都是脊椎动物。
- Both biological world and human beings have biothythm. 生物节律,生物界存在,人类也存在。
- nature and human are togetherness 天人合一
- Concern about human beings and humanity. 主要关注于人、人性、人文等。
- perfect integration of nature and human being 天人合一
- The eco-ethics ideology is about the ethical relation between nature and human. 摘要生态伦理思想是关于自然与人伦理关系的思想。