- natural view preservation 留白
- Millennial canal view, under wood trestlework and natural green plants on riverbank, becomes one of unique natural view points of courtyard on canal bank. 千年运河图景在木栈台与河堤自然绿植的掩映下,成为运河岸上的院子独特的自然视点之一。
- Is the materialism and the diagnostic method unification, as well as materialism natural view and conception of history unification. 是唯物主义和辩证法的统一,以及唯物主义自然观和历史观的统一。
- The view deeply affects the natural view and the aesthetic concept of the Japanese,and also works on the Japanese classic garden building and design techniques. 强烈的自然环境资源危机观是日本人特有的民族心理特征,它对日本人的自然观、审美观都起到了深刻的影响,并作用于日本园林的造园思想与营造手法。
- This nature view is beside the south of red lagoon with booming red storks. 这处原始景观就在红鹳繁盛的红??湖南边。
- Based on water nature view in ancient Chinese Agri-society, natural water conservancy thought has set up. 摘要中国古代农业社会,人类顺水之性的因任自然观,产生了自然水利思想;
- The fourth part Has described the western Marxism natural view, especially the ecology Marxism and pointed out ecology Marxism to mediate ecology with people and natural relation of the theory of Marxism that analyse the capitalist ecocrisis comes with . 第四部分论述了西方马克思主义的自然观,特别是生态学马克思主义的基本观点,指出生态学马克思主义把生态学同马克思主义的人与自然关系的理论作了调和,以此来分析资本主义生态危机的原因。
- But the terrain and the surface features are extremely complex natural view, which involve the spatial geometry data, the texture data and so on.It goes without saying that the data is magnanimous. 但是,地形和地物是结构非常复杂的自然景象,其涉及到的空间几何数据、纹理数据等可以说是海量的。
- He is classic and graceful.He stands out more in a good mood against the pleasing and confortable natural views. 他古典而又庄严,在恬静宜人的自然风光围簇中,更显得赏心悦目。最重要的是,他一直没有变,还是那一副欧洲中世纪的面貌。
- In the beautiful seasons of spring and autumn riding a bicycle to travel and appreciate the natural views is a wonderful experience. 在春天和秋天这样美的季节里骑着自行车去旅行,并且欣赏大自然的景色是一种极好的体验。
- We need to supervise leisure construction with human nature view of Marxism in the construction practice of harmonious society. 在社会主义和谐社会的建设实践中,需要以马克思主义的和谐人性观指导休闲建设。
- City governments in China, particularly Shanghai's, naturally view this with envy and also want to become service centres. 中国内地的市政府,尤其是上海政府,自然对此羡慕不已,也希望成为服务业中心。
- It is natural for a cat to catch mice. 猫捉老鼠是本能。
- Pool etc nature view, blend rich animal plant resource and national cultural into one body, configuration is special, the view is charming and gentle, let you forget to returm. 化彩池等自然景观为主要特点,融丰富的动植物资源和民族文化、民族风情于一体,结构独特,风。
- The Old Town of Lijiang became a UNESCO world heritage list in 1997 fot its traditional ethnic culture and customs, unique bulidings and wonderful natural views. 丽江古镇;因其传统的人文文化和风俗;独特的建筑以及优美的自然风光;于1997年载入联合国教科文组织世界文化遗产名单.
- It's natural to slack2 off towards the end of a hard day's work. 一天紧张工作快结束的时候有些放松是自然的。
- But Hawthorne deeply influenced by puritanism doctrine, so he displayed his suspicion to transcendentalism human nature view and expressed his rethink about individual. 深受清教主义影响的霍桑也表现出了对超验主义人性观的怀疑,并对超验主义所推崇的个人主义进行了深刻反思。
- Many natural materials are becoming scarce. 许多天然原料越来越少。
- Natural views of the chromophore is completely natural, such as wind-based, leaching, by dyeing, light, oxidation, so that the original color of jade changed. 天然次生色完全是自然所为,如风化、淋滤、靠染、光照、氧化,使玉的原来颜色发生改变。
- Winding along Wenbihai Lake, with Yulong Snow Mountain in the background, the golf course features beautiful natural views from a bill lop and the surrounding lake. 球场东邻玉龙县新城,南枕文笔峰,北眺玉龙雪山和丽江古城,西依古朴的纳西村落,中间环抱碧玉般的文笔海,为典型的背山面水格局。