- natural generative grammar 自然生成语法
- American linguist who revolutionized the study of language with his theory of generative grammar, set forth in Syntactic Structures(1957). 乔姆斯基,诺阿姆生于1928美国语言学家,他在句法结构(1957年)一书中所阐述的关于生成语法的理论曾使语言学研究发生突破性进展
- In the development of generative grammar, the principle of Government and Binding used to hold a controlling position. 摘要在生成语法的发展过程中,支配/约束理论曾经占据主导地位。
- Key words: Chomsky; transformational generative grammar; universal grammar; psycholinguistics. 关键词:乔姆斯基;转换生成语法;普遍语法;心理语言学
- American linguist who revolutionized the study of language with his theory of generative grammar,set forth in Syntactic Structures(1957. 乔姆斯基,诺阿姆生于1928美国语言学家,他在句法结构(1957年)一书中所阐述的关于生成语法的理论曾使语言学研究发生突破性进展
- In this paper, a selective and evaluative review of research on generative grammar is offered, mainly from the psycholinguistic point of view. 本文将进行一项选择性与评估性的回顾与探讨,主要是以心理语言学的角度来看衍生文法学派的主张是否正确。
- Vince is a natural generalization of chromatic number. Vince定义的星着色数推广了一般的着色数的定义 .
- Construction grammar, based on cognitive psychology, is a new linguistic theory with a lot of features different from those of generative grammar. 摘要构块语法是以认知心理学为基础的一种新的语言理论,具有许多不同于生成语法的特点。
- Chomsky’s transformational and generative grammar (T-G Grammar) was a great revolution in linguistics, which presented new ideas and methods to linguistics studies. 乔姆斯基的转换生成语法是语言学的一次伟大革命,为语言学的研究提供了新的思路和方法。
- Observing Galilean-Newtonian style, the study of modem generative grammar is devoted to the construction of linguistic theory that can be understood by a scientific mind. 当代生成语法是在伽利略一牛顿风格指导下,以构建语言学理论为目的的自然科学研究。
- This paper compares generative grammar and cognitive grammar from four aspects: philosophical basis, universal view of language, research methodology and the status of semantics. 文章从哲学和心理学基础、语言共性论、语言研究的途径以及语义的地位等四方面将生成语法与认知语法进行了比较。
- Is the feminine nature generally more intuitive? 女性一般是否天生较有直觉力?
- Both the main statement and corollary have natural generalizations that can be bought at the same price. 主命题和系都有自然的推广,这些推广是用相同代价得到的。
- In recent years cognitive psychology has been related to mentalistic approaches to linguistics, especially Chomsky's TRANSFORMATIONAL GENERATIVE GRAMMAR, which links language structure to the nature of human cognitive processes. 近年来认知心理学已与语言学的心灵主义联系起来,特别是与乔姆斯基的转换生成语法联系起来。转换生成语法将语言结构与人类认知过程的本质联系一起。
- This paper offers a discussion of the causal relationship between the theoretical hypothesis and research orientation of generative grammar on the one hand and psychological reality on the other. 摘要文章讨论了生成语法的理论假设和研究取向与心理现实性之间的因果关系。
- The circular chromatic number of a graph is a natural generalization of the chromatic number of a graph introduced by Vince in 1988 under the name " the star chromatic number " . 一个图G的圆色数x_c(G)是图G的色数x(G)的自然推广,最初是由Vince于1988年以“星色数”的定义提出来的。
- Dongshan Yinhaochachang 200 acres of tea plantations, the Biluochun natural generation, since the production for sale, absolutely authentic and affordable. 东山银毫茶场拥有200亩茶园,提供的碧螺春纯天然生成,自产自销,绝对正宗,价格实惠。
- The lexicon purpose indicates whether it is a general grammar or jargon specific to a profession such as legal or medical. 辞典用途指出该语言是一般语法还是特定于某个专业(如法律或医学)的术语。
- It is natural for a cat to catch mice. 猫捉老鼠是本能。
- applicational generative grammar 应用生成语法