- The Three Natural Environmental Test Centers of US Army 美军三大自然环境试验中心
- The Relationship Between Military Natural Environmental Test and Civilian Natural Environmental Test 军用自然环境试验与民用自然环境试验的关系
- Natural Environmental Test of Heavy Duty Coating System in Hiroshima of Japan and Chongqing of China 重防蚀涂装体系在广岛和重庆的自然环境试验
- A brief discussion on the natural environmental test of the military electronics 武器装备中电子产品的自然环境试验
- natural environmental test 自然环境试验
- Aimed at the shock response spectrium(-SRS),simulating field shock environment loadings using vibration table has become the prior method of shock environmental test. 以冲击响应谱(SRS)为控制目标,在振动台上实现冲击载荷模拟已经成为优先选用的冲击环境试验方法。
- This text introduce the situation of natural environmental anticorrosive test of composite materials and it's coat on the marine climate condition.And analysis the result of test. 本文介绍了复合材料及防护涂层在湿热区海洋性气候条件下的耐腐蚀性自然环境试验情况,并对结果进行了分析。
- Special products were continually appeared and parts of products have been passed UL.CSA and SGS environmental test. 特殊产品不断推出,部分产品已通过UL.;CSA认证和SGS环保测试,朝着无毒方面迈进!
- In the current era of rapid development, plain residential environmental design is a rustic natural environmental design. 在现今快速发展的时代,质朴化住区环境设计是一种本质性的住区环境设计方法。
- Located in medium and low latitudes, China's sea areas have comparatively advantageous natural environmental and resource conditions. 中国的海域处在中、低纬度地带,自然环境和资源条件比较优越。
- General guidelines for packaging clinical samples, diagnostic specimens, and environmental test samples. 针对临床标本,诊断样本及环境测试样本的包装指南。
- Have natural environmental protection, return to the uncut jade and belong to the true result. 具有天然环保,返璞归真的效果。
- CSZ manufactures environmental test chambers including temperature cycling, humidity, thermal shock, altitude. CSZ生产环境实验室,包括温度周期变化、湿度、热冲击、高度等。
- Located in medium and low latitudes,China's sea areas have comparatively advantageous natural environmental and resource conditions. 中国的海域处在中、低纬度地带,自然环境和资源条件比较优越。
- An intelligent control system of high temperature environmental test for SOI device is introduced, which is based on the technology of bus integration. 本文介绍了基于总线集成控制技术设计的SOI器件高温环境实验装置的智能控制系统。
- The grainy stone retains the health efficacy .It is the natural environmental hygienical stone.It can be used in the manufacture of hygienical appliances. 黄河石保留着百分之百的健康功效,是天然环保的保健型石材,可用于制造保健用品用具。
- Environmental testing - Part 2: tests - Guidance for solar radiation testing. 环境试验。第2部分:试验。太阳辐射试验指南。
- Villagers chipped in to pay several thousand dollars for environmental tests. 村民们凑份子支付了数千美元的环境鉴定费用。
- Natural environmental protection, green health, with soft comfortable, breathable Xihan, and anti-skin, Dongnuanxialiang, antistatic, cleaning, anti-radiation effect. 天然环保,绿色健康,具有柔软舒适、透气吸汗、止痒健肤、冬暖夏凉、抗静电、不吸尘、抗辐射的功效。