- natonal defense education 国防教育
- The nationwide defense education is under the leadership of the State Council,with the assistance of the CMC. 全国的国防教育工作由国务院领导,中央军委协同国务院开展全民国防教育。
- Local people's governments at all levels exercise leadership over defense education in their respective administrative areas. 地方各级人民政府领导本行政区域内的国防教育工作。
- The nationwide defense education is under the leadership of the State Council, with the assistance of the CMC. 全国的国防教育工作由国务院领导,中央军委协同国务院开展全民国防教育。
- The state attaches importance to national defense education and conducts it in line with its plan for economic and social development. 国家重视开展国防教育,并将国防教育纳入国民经济和社会发展计划。
- Feng Changjiang, Kuniaki Xing special correspondent reports: Today is National Defense Education Day. 9:30, "Ming ... 冯长江、特约记者邢邦明报道:今天是全民国防教育日。
- The National Defense Education Law of the PRC enacted by the Standing Committee of the NPC has provided a legal basis for national defense education. 全国人大常委会制定的《中华人民共和国国防教育法》,为开展国防教育提供了法律依据。
- The State Defense Education Office is responsible for the planning,organization,direction and coordination of the nation's defense education. 国家国防教育办公室负责规划、组织、指导和协调全国的国防教育工作。
- On August 31,2001,the NPC Standing Committee set the third Saturday of September every year as the National Defense Education Day. 2001年8月31日,全国人大常委会决定,每年9月的第三个星期六为全民国防教育日。
- The relevant departments for the press, publishing, broadcasting, film, television and culture shall assist in developing civil air defense education. 第四十七条新闻、出版、广播、电影、电视、文化等有关部门应当协助开展人民防空教育。
- The state and society at large launch defense education and publicity activities in various forms using mass media and other means. 国家和社会利用各种宣传媒体和手段,开展多种形式的国防教育宣传活动。
- The State Defense Education Office is responsible for the planning, organization, direction and coordination of the nation's defense education. 国家国防教育办公室负责规划、组织、指导和协调全国的国防教育工作。
- This year's "National Defense Education Day" theme is the theme of "safeguarding national security and build a harmonious home. 今年的“全民国防教育日”主题是主题是“维护国家安全、共建和谐家园”。
- The National Defense Education Law of the PRC was formally promulgated and came into force on April 28,2001,putting China's national defense education on the legal track. 2001年4月28日《中华人民共和国国防教育法》正式颁布实施,标志着中国国防教育事业走上了法制化轨道。
- Schools and colleges,with the assistance of military organs,offer appropriate defense courses according to their levels and types,or add defense education to related courses. 学校在军事机关的协助下,按照不同级别和类别设置适当的国防教育课程,或者在有关课程中增加国防教育的内容。
- The competent education departments and the competent departments for civil air defense at various levels shall arrange civil air defense education among students at school. 在校学生的人民防空教育,由各级教育主管部门和人民防空主管部门组织实施。
- Schools and colleges, with the assistance of military organs, offer appropriate defense courses according to their levels and types, or add defense education to related courses. 学校在军事机关的协助下,按照不同级别和类别设置适当的国防教育课程,或者在有关课程中增加国防教育的内容。
- The state has made national defense education part of the education of the whole people, gradually bringing it into a socialized, diversified, regularized and institutionalized pattern. 国家将国防教育纳入全民教育轨道,逐步使国防教育社会化、多样化、经常化、制度化。
- All relevant departments perform their respective duties, cooperate with one another, and, combined with their own work, ensure that defense education activities are carried out smoothly. 各有关部门结合业务工作,各尽其责,相互配合,确保国防教育活动的顺利开展。
- The forest will act as a defense against desert dust. 森林能起防御沙漠灰沙的作用。