- Characteristics and Value of National Minority students'Free Time 我校民族学生闲暇时间的特点和价值
- Investigation and Analysis on The Cognitive Strategies of National Minority Students'Chinese Studying Their Preparatory Period for College 少数民族预科学生汉语学习认知策略调查分析
- the national minority students 少数民族学生
- national minority students 民族学生
- Granted autonomyto a national minority. 对少数民族授予自治权。
- We belong to the national minority. 我们属于少数民族。
- Minor student is truant, kip, how should the school do? 未成年学生旷课、逃学,学校应该怎么办?
- By national minority singer group singing's suite other flavor. 由少数民族歌手联唱的组曲别具风味。
- Why Some Minority Students Lose Their Interest in Chinese Language Lessons? 少数民族学生对汉语课丧失兴趣的原因?
- This has helped increase the number of lower income and minority students. 这是为了帮助提高低收入和少数民族学生的数量。
- The Chinese nation includes more than50 national minorities besides the Hans. 中华民族除了汉族外,还包括50多个少数民族。
- Jingpo national minority is a glorious historical nationality. 景颇族是一个有着悠久历史的民族。
- Do the national minorities have the ornaments? 少数民族也有自己的装饰物吧。
- The completion rate is lower than for almost any other wealthy country, and worst for poor and minority students. 这种毕业率几乎比其他所有富裕国家都低,穷人和少数民族学生的毕业率更是最低的。
- Minority students at Tatung take advantage of extracurricular activities to display their charm. 工学院少数民族,趁著课馀的社团活动,展现一下女性的娇柔。
- In the process of engaging in teaching Chinese for the national minority for a long period,penman think that quite part of errors when students are in communication root in glossary. 在长期从事对少数民族学生的汉语教学工作实践中,笔者认为学生在交际中所犯错误有相当一部分来源于词汇。
- From the Reform in Education, Discuss about Difficulties and Strategies of English Education to the Minority Students in Guizhou Colleges Education. 从教学改革看贵州高校少数民族大学生英语教育的困难因素及对策。
- Table 1 Educational Development in National Minority Autonomous Areas in 1952 and 1998. 表一: 1998年与1952年少数民族自治地方教育事业发展对比。
- Minority Students often have inaccuracy and errors about word order when they learn Chinese whish has affected their perfect use of it. 摘要少数民族学生学习汉语时常常出现语序方面的偏误,影响了他们的语言面貌。
- She enjoys watching dancing, whether ballet, or national minority dancing or any other sort of dancing. 民族舞也好, 随便什么舞她都喜欢看。