- This is indeed a fundamental challenge in the process of nation building in a multi-ethnic society like Singapore. 作为一个多元种族社会,这是新加坡建国过程必须面对的基本挑战。
- The quality of civil engineering conforms with our domestic technical standard (China National Building Code). 土建工程的质量符合我们国内的技术标准(中国建筑法规)。
- It is urgent to re-examine and re-design elitist education for national building in the context of learning society and global competition. 面对学习型社会中的国家发展和全球化背景下的国际竞争,我们必须重新思考和设计精英教育。
- Familiar alone computers City, Tianhe City, purchasing centres, such as the National Building renowned brands Kep. 大家耳熟能详的就有电脑城、天河城、购书中心、白马大厦等全国知名品牌。
- Situating Mice, Men, and Model Organisms: Historical Narratives in Colonial Nation Building and Scientific Fact Making. 关于老鼠,人和有机体模型:殖民国家建设和缔造科学事实的历史描述。
- Employment history: 1996-1998 years, in National Building materials Bureau Beijing roentgen ceramic corporation, assistant engineer. 工作经历:1996-1998年,国家建材局北京中伦陶瓷总公司,助理工程师。
- This is indeed a fundamental challenge in the process of nation building in a multi-ethnic society like This is an age-old question with no ready solutions. 作为一个多元种族社会,这是新加坡建国过程必须面对的基本挑战。这是老问题,却没有现成答案。
- The understanding of the views about human being is facilitativeto the understanding of the nation's history and status quo as well as the promotion of nation building. 认识孟荀人论,有助于认识民族的历史和现状,促进民族自新自强。
- Hearn’s appeal lies in the glimpses he offered of an older, more mystical Japan lost during the country’s hectic plunge into Western-style industrialization and nation building. 对于许多日本人来说,赫恩质朴的描写保留了在这个机械进程中即将丧失的日本神秘特色。
- New York City Tour-Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty, Fifth Avenue, United Nation Building, Rockefeller Center, Wall Street, Ground Zero, China Town &Time Square. 上午参观炮台公园、自由女神岛、帝国大厦、继后参观著名的第五大道、联合国总部、洛克菲勒中心、世贸遗址和被称为世界十字街头之时代广场等。
- Officials say Nation Building Minister D.M. Dassanayake was on his way to parliament Tuesday when his convoy was hit by a roadside bomb about 20 kilometers north of Colombo. 斯里兰卡官员说,在国家建设部部长达萨纳亚克星期二前往议会途中,他的车队在首都科伦坡北部大约20公里处遭到一枚路边炸弹的袭击。
- On a visit to the United Nations Building in New York,you may rub shoulders with people from faraway lands. 到纽约联联合国大楼访问,你可能同来自遥远国土的人们相遇。
- On a visit to the United Nations Building in New York, you may rub shoulders with people from faraway lands. 到纽约联联合国大楼访问,你可能同来自遥远国土的人们相遇。
- The following institutes are responsible for the draft of this Standard: Suzhou Research and Design office for Waterproofing Materials, China Chemical Building Materials Company. National Building. 本标准负责起草单位:中国化学建筑材料公司苏州防水材料研究设计所、国家建筑材料工业标准化研究所、上海市建筑科学研究院。
- System of coal of rate preexistence whole nation builds EAM company assets to run a system. 率先在全国煤炭系统建成EAM企业资产管理系统。
- Some nations built their hopes for peace on the talks between big nations. 有些国家把和平的希望建立在大国之间的谈判上。
- What is worthy of more attention is, on the base of the new realization on the root of terrorism, the Bush administration publicly encourage the regime change and nation building as a tool to eradicate the root of the terrorism. 布什政府的反恐政策可谓积极而全面,更引人瞩目的是,基于对恐怖主义根源的新认识,它公开推行“政权变更”和“国家建设”,希望藉此从根源上铲除恐怖主义。
- Our newspaper is a national newspaper. 我们的报纸是全国性的报纸。
- Other folk heritage: Large pure hand ZhuangJin named largest flower representing Fuk and Ting which is 3.3 metres long and 2.5metres wide; Frog totem; Ancient loom; amd nation building. 其它民俗文物::大型纯手工壮锦长3.3米、宽2.5米的“福寿大花”壮锦、青蛙图腾、古织布机、民族建筑
- The national debts of that country are rolling up. 那个国家的国债在不断地增加。