- Objective\ To investigate the technique for unilateral cleft lip nasal deformities. 目的探讨单侧唇裂鼻整形的优良手术方法。
- Objective To explore methods for repairing secondary lip and nasal deformities of unilateral lip cleft. 目的探讨唇裂术后继发鼻部及口唇畸形的整复方法及其适应证。
- Objective To investigate the esthetical effect of the functional repair of secondary nasal deformities of cleft lip. 结论充分游离鼻翼软骨并使其复位到与对侧对称,消除了鼻畸形的病理基础,从而保证了畸形修复的远期效果。
- Objective To explore a better method for correcting the nasal deformities of cleft lip. 目的探讨更好地整复单侧唇裂鼻畸形的方法。
- MethodsThe nasal deformities of cleft lip in 20 cases were corrected with L-shaped silicon rubber prosthesis and costicartilage. 方法利用"L"型硅胶支架联合肋软骨移植选择性地对20例单侧唇裂鼻畸形病人进行了鼻部的整复。
- Abstract Nasal deformities due to cartilage, muscle and fascia abnormality are vary common in patients with cleft lip. maxillary hypoplasia is another important following sign. 提 要 唇裂患者由于鼻中隔、鼻软骨、肌肉及筋膜等组织异常,都伴有不同程度的鼻畸形。
- PURPOSE: This study was designed to find the effective and reliable methods to correct secondary nasal deformities in unilateral cleft lip by review of clinical data of 38 patients. 目的:对38例单侧唇裂术后鼻畸形患者实施整复治疗的临床资料进行回顾性分析,以寻求成熟且效果肯定的手术方式。
- Methods 35 cases with secondary lip and nasal deformities of unilateral cleft lip were treated with different procedures according to the different locations and degree of secondary deformities. 方法针对35例单侧唇裂术后继发畸形的不同部位及程度采取不同的方法修复,特别在鼻畸形中尝试用记忆合金线缝合固定,均获得较满意效果。
- Secondary Lip and Nasal Deformities 鼻部及口唇畸形
- Conclustions The cleft side alar flap and alar cartilage sling procedure is effective to correct secondary cleft lip nasal deformity. 结论裂侧鼻翼瓣加鼻翼软骨悬吊法是一种有效矫正唇裂鼻畸形的方法。
- Objective To explore a general and reliable treat pattern for the unilateral cleft lip nasal deformity. 目的:探讨一个治疗唇裂继发畸形鼻畸形的较为全面、可靠的治疗模式。
- Objective\ To explore an ideal method for comprehensive correcting of the unilateral cleft lip nasal deformity. 目的探索单侧唇裂继发鼻唇畸形综合矫治的理想方法。
- Objective To explore the effect of "arch bridge" ear conchal cartilage graft in secondary nasal deformity of cleft lip. 目的探索及分析耳甲软骨“拱桥式”移植修复在单侧唇裂术后鼻畸形矫正术中的作用。
- Objective To search the technique to correct the secondary nasal deformity ulteriorly. 目的探索单侧唇裂继发鼻畸形的矫正技术。
- Objective To search a method of repairing the secondary nasal deformity of cleft lip accompanied with alveolar cleft. 目的探讨伴有齿槽嵴裂的单侧唇裂术后继发鼻畸形的修复方法。
- Objective To study the effects of the bone grafting in the correction of secondary nasal deformity of cleft lip. 目的探讨鼻底周围植骨术在唇腭裂术后鼻畸形整复术的应用价值。
- Objective: To evaluate the effect of cleft lip nasal deformity repair with alar cartilages reposition and suspension to frontal area. 目的 :对应用鼻翼软骨复位悬吊术修复唇裂继发鼻畸形的方法进行探讨。
- Objective: To explore a better method which might be used to reconstruct the nasal deformity after unilateral complete cleft lip repair. 摘要目的:通过对单侧完全性唇裂术后鼻畸形整复方法的研究和改进,探讨其理想的手术方式。
- ConclusionThe effect of L-shaped silicon rubber graft with costicartilage is better in treatment of unilateral cleft lip nasal deformity. 结论硅胶联合肋软骨移植整复单侧唇裂鼻畸形,其效果明显。
- Cleft lip nasal deformity repaired with alar cartilage reopsition and suspension to frontal area results in satisfactory result and improves nasal symmetry. 应用鼻翼软骨额部悬吊法可较好地修复唇裂鼻畸形 ,得到较满意的效果。