- narrowing toward each end 两边小
- A serpent having a head at each end of its body. 两头蛇,安菲斯毕那身体两端都有头的蛇
- He carried two buckets on a yoke, one at each end. 他用扁担挑着两只桶,一头一个。
- They looked at and strayed toward each other. 他们相互对视着,不由自主地靠拢起来。
- Tapering at each end; spindle-shaped. 梭形的每端都尖细的; 纺锤形的
- He carry two bucket on a yoke, one at each end. 他用扁担挑著两只桶,一头一个。
- Any of several worms of the phylum Nematoda, having unsegmented, cylindrical bodies, often narrowing at each end, and including parasitic forms such as the hookworm and pinworm. 线虫线虫纲动物的任何一种小虫,身体不分节,呈柱状,两头稍尖,包括钩虫和蛲虫一样的寄生虫
- We feel anger toward each other, irritation, even fear at times. 彼此之间,愤恨、恼怒甚至畏惧等不良心理情绪时而发生。
- Gradually narrowing toward the tip, they are shaped somewhat like a vine leaf and are lightly feathered. 形状有点象葡萄叶子,有轻盈的羽状饰毛。
- Husband and wife turned coldly accusing backs toward each other. 这两口子冷冷地背向而坐,互相埋怨。
- He carry two buckets on a yoke,one at each end. 他用扁担挑着两只桶,一头一个。
- A bar with adjustable weights at each end, lifted for sport or exercise. 杠铃两端重量可调节的棒,运动或锻炼时用来举重
- The back line at each end of a tennis court. 网球场每一边的底线。
- He carried two buckets on a yoke , one at each end. 他用扁担挑着两只桶,一头一个。
- At the end of the day, read over your list and ask yourself, Did I do anything that created a measurable change toward each goal? 在一天结束时,重头读一遍那张单子,问问自己,朝着每个目标我做了什么产生出可衡量的变化的事情吗?
- In this case, the gases are pushed out through a special nozzle that is narrower toward the middle than at either end. 在这种情况下,气体从一个特殊的喷嘴喷出,这种喷嘴两头较宽,越往当中越细。
- The SCSI bus must be terminated at each end. SCSI 总线的每一端都必须被终结。
- Any of several worms of the phylum Nematoda,having unsegmented,cylindrical bodies,often narrowing at each end,and including parasitic forms such as the hookworm and pinworm. 线虫线虫纲动物的任何一种小虫,身体不分节,呈柱状,两头稍尖,包括钩虫和蛲虫一样的寄生虫。
- Cast on three stitches at each end of the next four rows. 结以下四排时边上加放三针。
- In this case,the gases are pushed out through a special nozzle that is narrower toward the middle than at either end. 在这种情况下,气体从一个特殊的喷嘴喷出,这种喷嘴两头较宽,越往当中越细。