- Laser: Acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, Concentrated light bean with narrow width used in creating images, engraving, etc. 激光:由刺激产生幅射而强化的光。它是集中的窄幅光束,可作产生影像,雕刻等用途。
- Laser Acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, Concentrated light bean with narrow width used in creating images, engraving, etc. 由刺激产生幅射而强化的光。它是集中的窄幅光束,可作产生影像,雕刻等用途。
- We have recieved an inquiry of Narrow Width Stenter 窄幅织机
- The microgrooves with a deeper depth, a narrower width or a higher microgroove density had higher wetting capacity. 一定热负荷下,微槽较深、较窄以及微槽群密度较大时液体的润湿高度较高;
- I tried that, but now some of the videos, mainly the ones that are in "widescreen" format" will have a narrower width. 试用了,可是有些(不是所有)录像的“宽度”变“窄”了。问题好象是针对本来就是“宽萤幕”的那些。WIDESCREEN。
- The linear development and construction projects have longer distance and narrower width, and pass through multiple landform and climate strips and soil erosion regions. 线形开发建设项目工程线长面窄,穿越多种地形地貌、气候和水土流失类型区,因而监测距离长,难度大。
- Given pump conditions, we found that the highest peak power and narrowest width of the Raman pulse correspond to an optimal decrement velocity of the fiber dispersion. 进一步研究表明,对于给定的泵浦条件,光纤色故的缓变程度存在一最佳值。
- The tractor has make deep furrow in the loose sand. 曳引机在松软的沙土上留下了深深的车辙。
- A set of tools goes with each tractor. 每一台出售的拖拉机都附有工具一套。
- He drove the tractor to his farm. 他开拖拉机去农场了。
- The road is too narrow to allow the passage of gondola. 这条街太窄,大型货车不能通过。
- There is a tractor in this farmyard. 在这个农家庭院里停着一台拖拉机。
- Design on Minitype High Peak and Narrow Width Pulsed Power Supply Circuit of LD 微型大电流窄脉宽半导体激光器电源的研究
- The mountain path is narrow and rugged. 狭隘的山路崎岖不平。
- The travelers edged warily along the narrow road. 旅游者沿着狭窄的小路小心前行。
- The tractor is powered by a diesel engine. 这台曳引机是用柴油机发动的。
- The tractor had been damaged by rough usage. 这辆拖拉机因使用不经心而损坏了。
- A chill struck into the narrow of his bones. 他感到一股寒意,透入骨髓。
- The tide flushed through this narrow inlet. 潮水涌过了狭窄的小湾。
- A gem cut in the form of a narrow rectangle. 狭长形宝石被切成细条形的宝石