- Compensation of Diffraction Effect in SAW Narrow Band Filters. 窄带SAW滤波器衍射效应补偿短句来源嗯,带了。
- A narrow band ceramic filter with capacitor network. 一种带电容网络的窄带陶瓷滤波器。
- Further Radio monitoring, Oscillation and Narrow band are offered. 另外,公司也提供关于无线电监控、振动和窄频带方面的服务。
- A jet stream is a narrow band of strong winds several kilometres above ground. 高空急流是距离地面数公里高的狭窄强风带。
- The narrow band of sapwood is very similar in colour to the heartwood. 边材的窄带颜色与心材非常相似。
- Follow the service robots include AVR microcontroller, infrared and ultrasonic sensors, motor drive module. 跟随服务机器人主要包括AVR单片机、红外和超声波传感器、电机驱动模块等。
- The most important elements of the ParkPilots are ultrasonic sensors, with up to six of these located each in the rear and/or front bumpers. 泊车舵手的最重要原件是超声传感器,前后保险杠每个上面多于六个。
- It is car parking or reversing the safety of assistive devices, ultrasonic sensors (commonly known as the probe), the controller and display (or buzzer), and other components. 它是汽车泊车或者倒车时的安全辅助装置,由超声波传感器(俗称探头)、控制器和显示器(或蜂鸣器)等部分组成。
- A narrow band or braid used as trimming and commonly made of lace,metallic thread,or embroidery. 镶边,装饰带一种用来装饰的狭窄带子或辫子,通常用花边、金银线或刺绣做成
- The main applied technical points on software and hardware of MCU AT90S4414 interfacing with 4 channels ultrasonic sensors and ISD2540 are introduced in details. 介绍了一种崭新的采用语音报距的超声波电子倒车雷达的系统,阐述了AT90S4414单片机与4路超声波探测通道和ISD语音芯片之间接口应用的软件和硬件技术要点。
- The US yield curve flattened as short-term interest rates rose while long-term rates traded within a narrow band. 由于短期利率上升,及长期利率在窄幅上落,美元收益率曲线变得平坦。
- Nothing can embellish a beautiful face more than a narrow band drawn over the brow. 除了一条横束额上的细带而外,没有别的东西能把美丽的面庞衬托得更好的了。
- Ultrasonic sensor is an instrument which transform sound into electricity, therefore, it is also called ultrasonic wave transducer. 超声波传感器是实现声电转换的装置,所以,又称为超声波换能器。
- A narrow band or braid used as trimming and commonly made of lace, metallic thread, or embroidery. 镶边,装饰带一种用来装饰的狭窄带子或辫子,通常用花边、金银线或刺绣做成
- A closed-loop control system based on PLC was developed to locate automatically an ultrasonic sensor in the defect inspection of large axle components. 为实现大型回转件超声波探伤系统中探头的自动定位,研制了一种基于可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)的闭环控制系统。
- This article presents a novel self-synchronizing audio watermark algorithm for shortwave narrow band channel. 提出了一种适应于短波窄带信道的自同步音频水印算法。
- Surrounding these lobes are red-tinted debris captured only by its glow in a narrow band of red light. 而围绕在气体瓣周围的是只有在红光窄波段下才能看到的红色碎片。
- Can the electronic eye which is made by the ultrasonic sensor when tell it to hit the barrier, the cerebrum helps it along with it to change the direction. 由超声波传感器制成的电子眼能够告诉它何时会撞到障碍,大脑随之帮助它改变方向。
- LMS adaptive filters can suppress high power narrow band interference effectively in frequency domain. 频域的LMS自适应滤波算法可以有效抑制扩频系统中的强窄带干扰。
- To computerize the coordinates of tree’s profile depend on the GPS datum and the distance detected by ultrasonic sensor is the other way to measure the diameters of trees. 介绍了所选用的超声波传感器数据采集方法和实际检测效果。