- A heat exchanger, in a narrow sense, is a vessel. 从狭义来说,换热器是一种容器。
- A heat exchanger in a narrow sense is a vessel. 从狭义来说,换热器是一种容器。
- History in this narrow sense is the basis of sociology. 这种狭的历史是社会学的根据。
- What does the word mean in its narrowest sense? 这个词的最狭义的意思是什麽?
- The focus of this discussion is on a more narrow sense of Creationism. 这次讨论的中心更多的是关于狭义的创世学说。
- The term "classical music" can be used in a broad and a narrow sense. “古典音乐”这个名称有广义和狭义之分。
- The narrow sense of rhinitis-nasosinusitis only refers to nasosinusitis. 狭义的鼻-鼻窦炎专指鼻窦炎。
- What does the word mean in the narrowest sense? 就最精确的含义来说,这个字是什么意思?
- In some societies,people still hold on to nationalism in a narrow sense --- one that is confined to their region. 一方面,我们可以看到狭隘的地方忠诚在人们心目中仍然占据着重要的地位。
- In the narrow sense, the hypothesis implies that mutations in genes result in mutations of enzymes. 在狭义上说,这一假说表示基因突变的结果导致酶的突变。
- In fact, Rousseau is not against "reason" but "intellectuality" as a kind of rationalism in the narrow sense. 他的浪漫主义并非反对"理性",而是反对"知性",即狭隘的理性主义。
- In the narrow sense, the hypothesis implies that mutations in genes result in mutations in enzymes. 在狭义上说,这一假说表示基因突变的结果导致酶的突变。
- The paradigm is in its narrowest sense a set of rules. 范例,就其最狭隘的意义来说,就是一组规则。
- Narrow sense CAM(Computer aided manufacture) refers to the computer assistance programming. 狭义的CAM(Computer aided manufacture,计算机辅助制造)指的就是计算机辅助编程。
- They can be classified roughly into three kinds-in a broad sense,in a narrow sense and eclectic. 各种解释大体可归为广义说、狭义说和折衷说三种。
- Tell from narrow sense, unreliability behavior basically points to the behaviour that causes venereal, AIDS easily. 从狭义上讲,不安全性行为主要指容易引起性病、艾滋病的行为。
- Handbag design used to be one part of packing design and supplied the need of merchandise sale in narrow sense. 以往手提袋设计是作为包装设计中的一个项目,满足狭义上的商品销售的需要。
- Haines asked.I mean, a believer in the narrow sense of the word. Creation from nothing and miracles and a personal God. 海恩斯问,“我指的是狭义上的信徒,相信从虚无中创造万物啦,神迹和人格神[103]啦。”
- Generally speaking, the latter is divided into the abettor from broad sense and narrow sense. 后一种意义所讲的“共犯”一般又可分为广义共犯和狭义共犯。
- I am using the word 'education' in the narrower sense. 我说的是较狭义的“教育”。