- nares internus 内鼻孔,后鼻孔
- Nari Herring walked leisurely along the sand. 纳里·赫林沿着沙滩悠闲地走动。
- Two nares are so small as to resemble a needle eye. 两个鼻孔小得像针眼。
- Welcome To Nari Counter Strike Protagonists. 匙萍南阑 瘤难林矫辨 官而聪促.
- MRSA most commonly colonizes the anterior nares and transmits by contact. 以今日感染症之研究,MRSA的感染起源常为带菌者所传播,其中尤以鼻腔带菌为大宗。
- Conclusion:Dual water bag packing in the anterior post nares is a simple ... 结论:双管水囊前后鼻孔填塞法操作简便,止血速度快,可作首选止血法。
- At 06 UTC, NARI was centred 480 km (260 NM) S of Cheju (Jeju), South Korea. 于06UTC,百合集结在济州岛以南约480公里(260海里)。
- Objective:To compare the efficacy of symmetrical and asymmetrical recession of internus in alternating esotropia. 目的:研究交替性内斜视的手术量。
- Results: The extremities of the piriformis, gemellus superior. obturator internus and gemellus inferior formed conjoined tendon. 结果:梨状肌腱和闭孔内肌上、下孖肌总腱的末段形成联合腱,闭孔外肌腱独立附着,臀中肌腱附着区后部增厚强韧;
- Conclusion:Symmetric recession of internus in alternative esotropia can improve the success rate and the binocular vision function. 结论:交替性内斜视手术采用同等量内直肌后徙术,不但手术成功率高,而且有利于手术后双眼三级功能的建立。
- Comprehensive solution covers nosetip, nasion, nose wing, nose bridge, nares and . 全面解决:鼻尖、鼻根、鼻翼、鼻梁、鼻孔等鼻部问题!
- Objective To study the effect of axial and coronal of CT scan on finding nasopharyngeal carcinoma(NPC) in the skull base and internus erosion. 目的探讨轴扫结合冠扫对发现鼻咽癌(NPC)颅底及颅内早期受侵的价值。方法回顾分析175例颅底受侵的NPC轴扫及冠扫的CT表现。
- A case of tinea corporis around the anterior nares in a child after close contact with a pet rabbit was reported. 报道1例密切接触宠物兔后发生在幼儿双侧鼻孔周围及上唇部的体癣。
- The torrential rain brought on by Typhoon Nari turned the prefectures and cities in northern Formosa into a vast ocean. 纳莉台风带来豪雨,福尔摩沙北部县市顿成汪洋一片。
- Due to excellent poleward outflow, NARI intensified at greater than climatological rate last night. 受到极好的极向辐散通道影响,百合在昨晚急速增强。
- Due to excellent poleward outflow, NARI has intensified at greater than climatological rate during the past 24 hours. 受到极好的极向辐散通道影响,百合在过去24小时急速增强。
- Between t+24 and t+36, NARI will cross the ridge axis, and will be subjected to the westerlies to induce a recurvature. 预料百合将会在24至36小时之后横过副热带高压脊的脊线,随后受西风带的影响转向东北移动。
- Objective To discuss the nasal endoscope method and curative effect of treatment on posterior nares ployp of maxillary sinus of children. 目的探讨鼻内窥镜治疗儿童上颌窦后鼻息肉的方法及疗效。
- Between t+48 and t+72, NARI will cross the ridge axis, and will be subjected to the westerlies to induce a recurvature. 预料百合将会在48至72小时之后横过副热带高压脊的脊线,随后受西风带的影响转向东北移动。
- The sticker above recording the flood level can be seen in the 16 stations flooded by Nari. 铭版上方之淹水高度贴纸,散见于受灾之16个车站中。