- An addiction, especially to a narcotic drug. 上瘾上瘾,特别是对毒品上瘾
- To dull or deaden as if with a narcotic drug. 象毒品一样引起迟钝或麻木的
- He must be on the narcotic drug when it happened. 事情发生的时候他一定服用了毒品。
- Opium is a narcotic drug. 鸦片是麻醉剂。
- A dose of a narcotic drug. 麻醉品的一次剂量
- He stepped back from narcotic drugs sales. 他退出了毒品交易。
- No medical worker is allowed to prescribe any narcotic drug for him/herself. 医务人员不得为自己开处方使用麻醉药品。
- He warned against the use of narcotic drugs. 他警告不要使用麻醉药物。
- A synthetic narcotic drug,C19H27NO,used as a nonaddictive analgesic,often in place of morphine. 镇痛新一种麻醉止痛药,C19H27NO,可用作不上瘾性止痛剂,常代替吗啡
- A narcotic drug,C18H21NO3,derived from morphine and used in the form of its hydrochloride as an analgesic. 麦托朋,甲基二氢吗啡酮一种麻醉药,C18H21NO3,由吗啡衍生而来,以其氢氯化物形式用作镇痛药
- A synthetic narcotic drug, C19H27NO, used as a nonaddictive analgesic, often in place of morphine. 镇痛新一种麻醉止痛药,C19H27NO,可用作不上瘾性止痛剂,常代替吗啡
- A drug,C19H21NO4,used as an antagonist to narcotic drugs,such as morphine. 纳洛酮一种药品,C19H21NO4,用作一种麻醉性药物的对抗剂,如吗啡
- A drug, C19H21NO4, used as an antagonist to narcotic drugs, such as morphine. 纳洛酮一种药品,C19H21NO4,用作一种麻醉性药物的对抗剂,如吗啡
- A narcotic drug, C18H21NO3, derived from morphine and used in the form of its hydrochloride as an analgesic. 麦托朋,甲基二氢吗啡酮一种麻醉药,C18H21NO3,由吗啡衍生而来,以其氢氯化物形式用作镇痛药
- HUNDRED years ago a group of foreign diplomats gathered in Shanghai for the first-ever international effort to ban trade in a narcotic drug. 一百年前,一帮外交人员聚集在上海,进行历史上第一次国际性的努力来禁止麻醉性毒品贸易。
- As well as drug| halo fans drugs | narcotic drugs | pills | hypnotics such. 以及迷昏药|迷晕药|蒙汗药|麻醉药品|安眠药|催眠药等。
- China is a country with a large population. So it needs a lot of legal narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. 中国人口众多,对麻醉药品和精神药品合法需求量大。
- The UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs is the main intergovernmental policy-making body dealing with all drug-related matters. 联合国麻醉药品委员会是处理与毒品有关的所有事务的主要政府间决策机构。
- A dose ofa narcotic drug. 麻醉品的一次剂量。
- A bitter,yellowish-brown,strongly addictive narcotic drug prepared from the dried juice of unripe pods of the opium poppy and containing alkaloids such as morphine,codeine,and papaverine. 鸦片,一种味苦、瘾性很大的棕黄色毒品,从未熟的罂粟汁干燥物中制得,含有生物碱,如吗啡、可卡因、罂粟碱。