- A structural material, such as masonry or timber. 建材结构材料,如石料或木料
- Nano Superlattice Technology Inc. (OTCBB Symbol: NSLT) is a nanotechnology company engaged in the coating of tools and components with nano structured PVD coatings for high-tech industries. (一)先天性脊椎侧弯:通常是脊椎体发育异常;常见的如半椎体(脊椎一侧发展不完全,脊椎成楔状),以及锥体不分节。
- It is a fact that no structural material is perfectly elastic. 事实上没有一种结构材料是十全十美的弹性体。
- A structural material made of wood fragments, such as chips or shavings, that are mechanically pressed into sheet form and bonded together with resin. 碎料板由碎木,如木屑或创花制成的一种结构材料,用合成树脂粘合在一起并用机器压成板状
- Structural material specially designed for reduced radar reflectivity. 十五、用来降低雷达波反射特性的结构材料。
- The structure properties and application of high structure carbon black, inversion carbon black, nano structure carbon black and silica white in the tyre industry were reviewed with11 references. 介绍了高结构炭黑、化炭黑、纳米结构炭黑和白炭黑的结构特征及其在轮胎工业中的应用。
- An embellishment in strip form, made of wood or other structural material, that is used to decorate or finish a surface, such as the wall of a room or building or the surface of a door or piece of furniture. 装饰线条线条形式的装饰,由木头或其它构造材料制成,用作装饰或完成一个表面,如房间或建筑的墙,一扇门或一件家具的表面
- Physical-Enhanced SPC sheets are structural material and could be fabricated into single work top. 完全杜绝水的侵蚀,一体成型,可直接做成整体台面。
- The structure material and manufacture technology of resin drawing die are introduced? 简单介绍了树脂拉伸模具的结构、材料和制造工艺。
- Corrosivc rcaction and type of sca water pump are analysed. Studied is the rational selcction ofits structure material. 分析了海水泵内主要的腐蚀反应和腐蚀类型,并探讨了合理选择海水泵结构材料的问题。
- Niobium-based intemetallic composite is a kind of potential high temperature structural material. 铌基金属间化合物是一种潜在高温结构材料,室温脆性大。
- A structural material made of wood fragments,such as chips or shavings,that are mechanically pressed into sheet form and bonded together with resin. 碎料板由碎木,如木屑或创花制成的一种结构材料,用合成树脂粘合在一起并用机器压成板状。
- Keywords Nano structured semiconductor;Mesopore zeolite;Layered silicate;Titanium oxide; 纳米半导体;中孔沸石;层硅酸盐;二氧化钛;
- A structural material made of layers of wood glued together, usually with the grains of adjoining layers at right angles to each other. 胶合板由粘合在一起的若干层木头制成的一种建筑材料,通常其相邻木层的木纹相互成直角。
- The material is flawed throughout. 这种材料到处是裂缝。
- Aluminium lithium alloy is lower in density and higher in strength.It is a new kind of weldable structural material for space navigation. 铝锂合金是密度较小、强度较高,且具有可焊接特性的新型先进铝合金宇航结构材料。
- Structural materials are usually stressed within their so-called elastic range. 结构材料通常在所谓的弹性范围之内受力。
- All structural materials behave plastically above their elastic range. 超过弹性极限时,一切结构材料都显示出塑性。