- Oh, no. I am gonna get call on ... help! 哦!糟糕,马上就要点到我,救救我!
- Looks like I am gonna have to buy a winter suit, too. 看来我也得去买一套冬季西装。
- n gon n角
- He fought in the N African campaign during the last war. 在上次战争中他在北非战役参战。
- I wonder when they are gonna give me a raise. 不晓得他们什么时候才会给我加薪?
- Who am I gonna bum some money from next ? 我下一个该向谁借钱呢?
- My uncle is gonna bankroll this venture. 我的叔叔准备向这个冒险事业投资。
- There's gonna be a bash at phil's house tonight. 今晚在菲利浦家有一个狂欢会。
- If I catch him, I’m gonna wring his neck! 我要是抓住他,就扭断他的脖子!
- Who's gonna eat all this leftover chao mian? 谁要吃这些剩下的炒面?
- You're gonna kill two innocent men to get it, huh? 那你就要杀掉两个无辜的人来达到目的吗?
- When is these installment payment gonna end? 这些分期付款什么时候才能缴完?
- Now I can not see anything because everyone is standing- I am gonna stand, too. 大家都站起来,所以我什么都看不到—我也要站起来。
- Fixing this problem is gonna be duck soup. 解决这问题是件很简单的事。
- I'm not gonna fall for that trick again. 我不会再上那套把戏的当了。
- Who's gonna eat all this leftover chao mian ? 谁要吃这些剩下的炒面?
- Who's gonna work for an hour these days? 近来谁会去打一小时的工?
- If I miss one more class,I am gonna fail. 假使我再缺课的话,我会不及格。
- If I missed one more class,I was gonna fail. 假使我再缺课的话,我会不及格。
- Have you figured out how you are gonna spend it ? 你有没有想过怎样花?