- He was at death's door with a mystery illness. 他得了怪病,就要死了。
- As a precaution, the patients with the mystery illness were segregated and placed in a large empty room awaiting renoation. 作为一项预防措施,患有神秘疾病的患者被隔离并安置在一个空旷的大房间等待康复治疗。
- As a precaution, the patients with the mystery illness were segregated and placed in a large empty room awaiting renovation. 作为一项预防措施,患有神秘疾病的患者被隔离并安置在一个空旷的大房间等待康复治疗。
- A mysterious illness is affecting all the animals. 一种奇怪的疾病正在侵袭所有的动物。
- A mystery illness is causing alarm in the Turkmen capital Ashgabat, where residents are afraid that chemicals used on the cotton fields are making them sick. 一种不知名的疾病在土库曼首都阿什哈巴特拉起警报,当地居民害怕棉花田使用的化学物质会使他们致病。
- Yet in all extant versions of the novel, including all the manuscripts, Qin-shi dies in her bed after a mysterious illness. 但是在小说现存的所有版本中,包括各种抄本,秦氏都是在得了一场怪病后死在病榻上的。
- Sadly, shortly after Snow White was born, her mother, the good and noble Queen, died of a mysterious illness and the King soon remarried. 令人伤心的是,白雪公主出生后没多久,她的母亲,那位善良、高贵的皇后,就离奇地病逝了,国王不久又娶了一位皇后。
- His poor sight is a hangover from a bad illness he had. 他视力不好是他生了一场大病留下的后遗症。
- His illness resulted from bad food. 他的病是由于吃了变质的食物所致。
- Roughness of the skin can be caused by bad diet. 饮食不好可能引起皮肤粗糙。
- The creation of life remains a mystery. 生命的创造仍是个谜。
- A pall of mystery seem to hang over it all. 整个事件似乎笼罩上一层神秘的气氛。
- Her life was cloaked in mystery. 她的生活隐藏在神秘之中。
- His illness was more serious than the doctor first thought. 他的病较医生原来以为的更严重。
- He is despondent over his illness. 他对自己的病情感到灰心沮丧。
- The murder case is still enveloped in mystery. 谋杀案仍然笼罩在神秘中。
- He kicked in after a long and painful illness. 经过长期痛苦的疾病之后,他死了。
- The bad news dampened our spirits. 这恶耗使得我们精神沮丧。
- I can't work her out, she's a mystery to me. 我理解不了她,她对我来说是个谜。
- Illness kept the boy behind in his school work. 那个男孩因生病而功课落后了。