- mydriatic cycloplegic 睫状肌麻痹期散瞳药, 睫状肌麻痹扩瞳药
- Conclusion:The agreement between cycloplegic retinoscopic and autorefractive spherical equivalent diopter was high. 自动验光仪验光的结果比视网膜检影结果稍小一些。
- Group 2,accommodative changes were compared using cycloplegic doses of 2 drops(5 min interval) with that of 4 drops. 且调节变化在点药后稳定 ;差异有显著性(P <0 .;0 5 ) ; 点 2次药和点 4次药后 30min时的调节变化比收稿日期 :2 0 0 4-0 8-0 2 ;
- Measurements included cycloplegic refraction, biometric axial length and optic disc stereo-photographs. 测量其屈光度、眼轴长及视神经之立体相片。
- Postoperative endophthalmitis should be generally controlled by the use of corticosteroid, mydriatic and so on. 术后眼内炎应用皮质炎固醇、散瞳剂等药物大多能够控制。
- In myopia children,those younger than 7 years old must use atropine and those older than 10 years old could make some other choice of cycloplegic. 以后光学矫正为目的时,所有远视儿童必须使用阿托品;近视儿童中,7岁以前儿童必须使用阿托品,10岁以上的近视儿童可酌情选择其他睫状肌麻痹剂。
- All of patients were treated by local cycloplegic, systemic treatment with glucocorticoid and cytoxan.The followed-up period was 1 year or more. 所有患者均采用睫状肌麻痹剂以及全身联合应用糖皮质激素和环磷酰胺治疗,随访至少1年以上。
- Half of schoolchildren had used cycloplegic agents trying to control the myopia progression, and half of them still using the medication. 将近一半的学生曾利用散瞳剂治疗近视,而点药学生中仍有半数国中学生仍继续使用。
- After 6 weeks, the eff ects of flashing light on eye development were assessed by cycloplegic retinosco py, a-scan ultrasonography and eye weight. 实验 6周后分别用检影法测量眼屈光度 ,A超测量眼轴长度 ;
- Every patient received detailed ophthalmologic examinations including visual acuity, near vision, stereoacuity, ocular motility, fundus examinations and cycloplegic refraction. 斜视患者中,外斜视所佔比例最高,有39例(33%25),内斜视15例(13%25),其他(上斜视、麻痹性斜视、隐斜视)11例(9%25)。
- Objective To improve the cognition and summarize the experience of management of mydriatic patients after cerebral injury. 目的回顾性分析颅脑损伤致双瞳散大的抢救治疗结果,进一步加深认识并总结经验。
- Conclusion Postoperative endophthalmitis should be generally controlled by the use of corticosteroid, mydriatic and so on. 结论术后眼内炎应用皮质炎固醇、散瞳剂等药物大多能够控制。
- Methods:After cycloplegic refraction, the subjects were given full refractive correction and then offered binocular or monocular telescopes as low vision aids. 目的:探讨有屈光不正的低视力儿童戴矫正眼镜后对应用助视器提高视功能的效果。
- None of them were administered by mydriatic before operation, and different laser incision shape and energy were employed. 方法:在不散瞳的条件下,应用Nd:YAG激光切开瞳孔区后囊膜混浊。
- A poisonous alkaloid,C21H26N2O3,derived from the bark of a tree,Corynanthe yohimbe,and formerly used as an aphrodisiac,a local anesthetic,and a mydriatic. 育亨宾(宁碱),一种毒性生物碱,C21H26N2O3,从育亨宾树的树皮中提炼出来,以前被用作春药、局部麻醉剂和散瞳药。
- A poisonous alkaloid, C21H26N2O3, derived from the bark of a tree, Corynanthe yohimbe, and formerly used as an aphrodisiac, a local anesthetic, and a mydriatic. 育亨宾(宁碱)一种毒性生物碱,C21H26N2O3,从育亨宾树的树皮中提炼出来,以前被用作春药、局部麻醉剂和散瞳药
- Methods Random choose 56 cases with the accommodative refractive esotropia with mydriatic examination?wear lenses and carried out a synthetic amblyopia treatment. 方法随机选择56例有调节性因素的内斜视进行散瞳检影、戴镜和综合弱视治疗,首次、治疗后6个月、12个月和24个月检影验光1次,检查内斜矫正度。
- All kinds of methods were usedincluding neutralizing liquid,10 % Vitamin C,recombinant bovine basicfibrobiast growth factor(bFGF),mydriatic and antibiotic. 碱性化学物质穿透力强,导致组织坏死广泛深入,后果严重。
- Methods To adopt partial mydriatic, then inuect gentamycin sulfate and dexamehasone beside the bulbar or under the conjunctiva for ten endphthalmitis patientes. 方法对10例(10眼)眼内炎?用局部散瞳、球旁或结膜下注射庆大霉素+地塞米松治疗。
- METHODS:After used the two kind of mydriatic(Mydrin-P and Atropine) to dilate the pupil,30 patients(60 eyes) amblyopia children were examined with retinoscopy. 方法:对30例(60眼)弱视儿童先后用两种散瞳剂(美多丽与阿托品眼膏)散瞳验光的结果进行对比。