- We found that we had a mutual friend. 我们发现我们有一个共同的朋友。
- Lynn and Phil met through a mutual friend. 林恩和菲尔是通过共同的朋友相识的。
- We met at the home of a mutual friend. 我们在我们都认识的朋友家中会面。
- Li Hong is a mutual friend of Lizzy and Chang. 李红是莉齐和小张两人共同的朋友。
- How our mutual friend worked the ropes is more than I can tell you. 我们共同的朋友怎样在暗中操纵,我是无法告诉你的。
- We have a mutual friend, Lee Yu De, who may have spoken about me. 我们都有一个朋友,李钰德,他也许提过我。
- It’s how our mutual friend in tights made his Arctic getaway spot. 超人靠这个玩意在北极打造他那个度假屋。
- I think we are a pair of mutual friends. 我觉得我们是向望的一对朋友。
- Got set up e. G I got set up with my new girlfriend by a mutual friend of ours. 我的新女朋友是透过我们俩共同的朋友介绍的。
- Money and man a mutual friendship show: Man makes false money, money makes man so. 钱和人相互为友:人让钱假,钱让人虚。
- She was passing through worn and had learned of my whereabouts through a mutual friend. 她路过我们的镇子,从一个我们共同的朋友那儿打听到我的地址。
- Through these interesting sports matches, we not only strengthened our mutual friendship, but also enhanced the cohesion of our class. 通过举行这些生动活泼的竞技比赛,不仅增进了彼此间的友谊,还增强了班级的凝聚力;
- We wish for you to act as our agent in a business transaction with our mutual friend Captain Sparrow. 我们希望你可以作为我们的代理人和我们共同的朋友斯派洛船长谈笔生意.
- Other top subjects were mutual friends and making plans to socialise. 其余的一些热门话题则与朋友、社交计划有关。
- Premier Peng Li said that, this visit had improved mutual friendship and understanding and set a good foundation for further cooperation between China and Kirghizia. 李鹏总理说,这次访问增进了彼此间的友谊和了解,为中吉两国进一步合作奠定了良好基
- Mr.Eduardo Mulembwe said that more and more Mozambique delegations visited China recently, which aims to strengthen bilateral trade and mutual friendship. 穆伦布韦说,近年来莫桑比克访华的频率在不断增加,旨在推动和加强两国间的贸易往来,进一步增强两地人民的友谊。
- A mutual friend phoned later and urged Shepard to listen to Adelman's story.When Shepard phoned back, Adelman told him about Gail Clinton's laboratory at O. 稍后,另一位他俩都认得的朋友也挂电话来,要薛帕德好歹听听艾德曼怎麽说,于是薛帕德回了电话。
- An engagement or date arranged by mutual friends for a young man and woman who have not previously met. 由男女双方的朋友所安排的约会,此一男一女事先并不认识对方。
- My friend and I have mutual enthusiasm for music. 我和我的朋友对音乐有着共同的爱好。