- Roused from bed at what he considered an ungodly hour, Roy muttered imprecations under his breath. 罗伊被从床上叫起,时候早得在他看来离谱,故低声咒骂起来。
- With such an attitude prevailing it is no wonder that the movement against Chiang in the upper circles often reduced itself to vicious snarls, gallows jokes and muttered imprecations. 由于上层的人们普遍抱着这种态度,无怪乎他们的反蒋活动往往无非就是痛骂几声,挖苦几句和低声诅咒而已。
- mutter imprecations 低声诅咒.
- Some staff members are beginning to mutter about the new president. 有些职员开始抱怨新任的总经理。
- Actors often mutter to themselves when rehearsing their lines. 演员背台词的时候经常自己嘀嘀咕咕。
- None of them dares even mutter dissent. 没有人敢说半个不字。
- He uttered imprecations under his breath. 他低声地发出咒语。
- Don't mutter when they are studying. 当他们学习时不要轻声低语。
- It's impolite to mutter to one another in class. 上课交头接耳不礼貌。
- On the exclamation of the doctor and the cry of the father, the servants all fled with muttered imprecations; 维尔福先生踉跄地摔倒了,把他的头埋在瓦朗蒂娜的床上。
- Workers continued to mutter about the management. 工人们私下对资方还是有怨言。
- Don' t mutter ! I can' t hear you. 别叽叽咕咕的! 我听不见.
- To mutter in discontent guarantee vt. 怨言,满腹牢骚。
- To mutter discontentedly;grumble. 不满地嘀咕;发牢骚
- We heard a mutter of discontent. 我们听到有人窃窃私议表示不满。
- To mutter discontentedly; grumble. 不满地嘀咕;发牢骚
- Mutter, ich mache mich ans Kochen. 妈;我去做饭.
- Weis ihre Mutter eigentlich, wie oft sie Klicken? 你母亲知道吗?你这么多次的点我?
- He mutter a few words of apology and with that he leave. 他支支吾吾地道个歉就马上走了。