- MP3 is one of the most popular sound formats for music recording. MP3是当今最为流行的音乐记录格式。
- Perhaps the answer could best be provided by the music recording industry. 音乐唱片公司也许能够提供最好的答案。
- Copyrights on music recordings a goldmine? 音乐录制版权是一个金矿?
- In the 1950s, the country music recording industry was set up in Nashville and moved away from its rough roots. 到了20世纪50年代,乡村音乐唱片工业在纳什维尔建立起来,摆脱了起源时的不成体系。
- Equinox Studios - A rural based music recording facility in Herriard, south of Basingstoke. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- The show includes original music recorded by its star, Miley. 该剧播出后收视率一路走高,现在第二季已经在迪士尼频道播出。
- Professional digital audio recording, editing, mixing and playback solutions for film &video post-production, broadcast and music recording applications. 专业的数位声音的浮凸槽记录,编辑,混合和为薄膜的回放解决&影像后制造,广播和音乐浮凸槽记录应用程式。
- Everything is new to him when he works as a music recording specialist in China. He has brought all his musical experiences here. He enjoys his work. 在中国做录音师的日子,一切都是崭新的,杨侯德把他的全部的音乐经验带到中国,他在工作中体味着快乐。
- The store comprises six buildings and includes a clothing shop, beer shop, music recording studio for young musicians and a ticket centre for events and trips organised by Heineken. 这家形象店是由六个建筑物所组成,其中还包含了一个衣饰店、啤酒吧、提供年轻音乐家使用的录音室以及海尼根规划的活动旅游售票中心。
- It is usual to arrange classical music records in alphabetical order by composer. 经典音乐唱片通常是按作曲者的姓名字母顺序排列。
- Try listening to music recordings, such as a pounding surf or songbirds, to help you relax. 听一些诸如海浪拍岸和鸟鸣声这样的音乐唱片来使你放松。
- Sonic Visualiser screen shot The aim of Sonic Visualiser is to be the first program you reach for when want to study a musical recording rather than simply listen to it. 发布你自己的视频,音频节目;无限的存储空间、建一个属于自己的小组、粉丝俱乐部;收藏你喜欢的节目,和朋友分享;完全属于你的个人多媒体演播室;
- Try listening to music recordings, such as pounding surf or songbirds, to help you relax. 听音乐,例如海浪拍击声或一些鸟叫,这能帮你放松。
- The North American release is scheduled to be during the summer.Guitarist Esa Holopainen states the album is their most musical record so far. 当然,专辑依然有很好的旋律,不管你喜欢哪个时期的他们,这张专辑都值得一听。
- French National Assembly has passed a so-called "Three Strikes Law" which prohibits illegal download of protected movies and music records. 法国国民议会通过了一项所谓“三击出局”法案。该法案禁止非法下载受保护的电影和唱片。
- Both Bach and Beethoven wrote classical music. 巴赫与贝多芬谱写的都是古典音乐。
- He has composed a suite of music for the film. 他为该电影配写了一套乐曲。
- He left when the band began to beat out pop music. 乐队一奏起流行音乐他就走了。
- His two great interests in life are music and painting. 音乐和绘画是他生活中的两大嗜好。
- The New Tang annals: History of Rites and Music recorded that when the Tang Dynasty was at its pinnacle, the number of the Jiyue performers had been tens of thousands. 《新唐书·礼乐志》载:唐朝盛时,乐工舞伎总数竟有数万人。