- This article analyses Ji Kang's ontology on musical aesthetics thought. 文章分析了嵇康音乐美学的本体论思想。
- music aesthetic thought 音乐美学思想
- Inquiry into Music Aesthetic Ideology of Liszt. 李斯特音乐美学思想探微。
- There is certain similarity with Wang Guowei aesthetic thought. 这与他的同学好友王国维的美学思想有一定的相似性。
- The aesthetic thought of the early romanticism of music is known as the" metaphysics of instrumental music" in the west, it regards classic music group of Vienna, especially Beethoven as the" model of romanticism". 西方早期浪漫主义音乐的美学思想被称为"器乐的形而上学",它把维也纳古典乐派,特别是贝多芬看作为"浪漫主义的典范"。
- As a transitional Taoist scholar in late Tang and early Song period, Chen Tuan has rich and characteristic aesthetic thought. 摘要作为唐宋之交承上启下的学者道士,陈抟的美学思想是丰富而有特色的。
- Secondly, the deepening and distillation of Confucian aesthetic thought of literature and art. 三是对传统儒家文艺美学思想的再发现和对理学家文艺芜学思想的应和;
- Mao Zedong's reform and development outlook of poetry is an important part of his poetics theory and aesthetic thought. 毛泽东的诗歌改革发展观,是其科学的诗学理论和美学思想的重要组成部分。
- The last part disserts the contemporary significance of Liang"s life aesthetic thought. 第四部分论述了梁启超人生审美化思想的当代意义。
- Aesthetic thought is the most important and valueable part of Wangshu’s calligraphical theories. 基于审美,对于历代书家进行评析。
- Aquinas's aesthetic thought carries forwards the tradition of Greece as the conclusion and deepening of the medieval aesthetic ideas. 阿奎那的美学思想继承了古希腊的传统,是中世纪美学思想的总结和深化。
- Ethical spirit of music is a new musical aesthetic perspective and represents a huge effect on realistic social life and relation that music exerts. 音乐的伦理精神是音乐审美的一个新视角,它展现了音乐对现实的社会生活和社会关系所产生的巨大影响,中西方音乐文化在对音乐的伦理精神的理解上有着惊人的相似性;
- Qian Zhongshu's principle of "transmigration", which inherits the traditional aesthetic thought, is based on the traditional translation theories. 摘要钱钟书的化境说建立在中国传统译论基础之上,同时深受中国传统美学思想的滋养。
- Ji Kang's thought of music esthetics has had an important impact on the study of history of ancient Chinese music for its novelty, originality and uniqueness. 摘要嵇康音乐美学思想在中国古代音乐美学史上新颖、独到,具有重要影响,但其思想观点既存在道家音乐思想的不可知性,又存在儒家音乐思想的可知性;
- The aesthetic thought of Plato, which has the theory of idea as its main concern, contains an integrated system of aesthetic axiology. 摘要柏拉图以理念论为核心的美学思想内含完整的美学价值论框架。
- The Forth part elaborates mainly" empathy" in aesthetics thought. 第四部分主要阐述《林泉高致》中有关“移情”的美学思想。
- Views on literature of Rousseau, RomenRolland, anarchism , populism, Leo ? Tolstoy,Belinsky,Turgenev,Chekhov etc influence on Ba Jin novel aesthetic thought deeply. 卢梭、罗曼·罗兰对文学的看法,无政府主义、民粹主义的文学主张,列夫·托尔斯泰、别林斯基、屠格涅夫、契诃夫等人的文学观点,都对巴金的小说美学思想影响深刻。
- As a united System, they effect the forming and development of National Musical Aesthetic Psychology as resultant force. 三者作为合力系统共同对民族音乐审美心理的形成与发展产生作用。
- Musical aesthetic thinking 音乐美学
- Vocal music esthetics subordinates in music esthetics, is music esthetics subordinate"s branch discipline. 声乐美学隶属于音乐美学,是音乐美学下属的分支学科。