- Inquiry into Music Aesthetic Ideology of Liszt. 李斯特音乐美学思想探微。
- Ethical spirit of music is a new musical aesthetic perspective and represents a huge effect on realistic social life and relation that music exerts. 音乐的伦理精神是音乐审美的一个新视角,它展现了音乐对现实的社会生活和社会关系所产生的巨大影响,中西方音乐文化在对音乐的伦理精神的理解上有着惊人的相似性;
- As a united System, they effect the forming and development of National Musical Aesthetic Psychology as resultant force. 三者作为合力系统共同对民族音乐审美心理的形成与发展产生作用。
- His musical aesthetic outlook did not only stablish the independence of music but was considered as a bridge of the Western formalistic criticism between tradition and the modern times. 他的音乐美学观不但确立了音乐的自主独立性,而且还是西方形式主义批评从传统走向现代之间的桥梁。
- It is unefficient to feed the healthy qualities according to traditional education methods,but musical aesthetic education is one of the efficient ways to do it. 培养健康的身心素质单靠传统的教育方式和方法已经难以奏效,而音乐美育将是培养当代大学生健康心理素质的有效方法之一。
- Vocal music esthetics subordinates in music esthetics, is music esthetics subordinate"s branch discipline. 声乐美学隶属于音乐美学,是音乐美学下属的分支学科。
- This kind of historical dimensions in his music aesthetics is suggestive and thought-provocative for development of music aesthetics as a scholarly discipline in Chins. 这种强调历史维度的美学观点和方法论特点,对我们自身的学科建设具有显著的借鉴作用和启发价值。
- This paper analyzes the impact of music psychology on the studies of historical musicology, music aesthetics, music sociology, and music education, etc. 摘要本文分析了音乐心理学对历史音乐学、音乐美学、音乐社会学、音乐教育学诸学科研究的影响。
- He had been stimulated by one of the principal questions of musical aesthetics. 他曾受到一个音乐审美学主要问题的推动。
- Combining withthe theories of psychology and music aesthetics this dissertation discussed how to train imagination and how to control and inspire the reins of the executant. 本文将想象和情感的心理学理论与音乐美学理论相结合,论述了钢琴演奏过程中想象力的培养和情感的激发与控制问题。
- Ji Kang's thought of music esthetics has had an important impact on the study of history of ancient Chinese music for its novelty, originality and uniqueness. 摘要嵇康音乐美学思想在中国古代音乐美学史上新颖、独到,具有重要影响,但其思想观点既存在道家音乐思想的不可知性,又存在儒家音乐思想的可知性;
- Both Bach and Beethoven wrote classical music. 巴赫与贝多芬谱写的都是古典音乐。
- Musical aesthetics was the starting point of Langer's research about art. 音乐是朗格研究艺术的起点。
- He has composed a suite of music for the film. 他为该电影配写了一套乐曲。
- This article analyses Ji Kang's ontology on musical aesthetics thought. 文章分析了嵇康音乐美学的本体论思想。
- He left when the band began to beat out pop music. 乐队一奏起流行音乐他就走了。
- His two great interests in life are music and painting. 音乐和绘画是他生活中的两大嗜好。
- Let's brighten up the party with some loud music. 让咱们用响亮的音乐使聚会欢快起来。
- Now that I am free, I can enjoy music for a while. 既然有空,我可以享受一下音乐。
- Objectivity and Subjectivity in Musical Aesthetic 音乐美的客观性和主观性