- musculi transversus linguae [医] 舌横肌
- Transversus linguae of lingual muscles are more developed.The gustatory glands are seen in radix linguae. 舌肌的横纹肌发达,味腺只见于舌根部。
- musculi transversus perinei profundus [医] 会阴深横肌
- musculi transversus perinei superficialis [医] 会阴浅横肌
- musculus transversus linguae 舌横肌
- musculi transversus abdominis [医] 腹横肌
- musculi transversus auriculae [医] 耳廓横肌
- musculi transversus menti [医] 颏横肌(变)
- musculi transversus nuchae [医] 项横肌(变)
- musculi transversus thoracis [医] 胸横肌
- Swahili is the principal lingua franca in East Africa. 东非的主要交际语是斯瓦希里语。
- Apra la bocca e mi mostri la lingua. 请你张开嘴,让我看下舌苔。
- His slang was the lingua franca. 他惯用的俚语成为共通语言。
- Transversus Abdominis Plane Block: How Safe is it? 腹部平面阻滞的安全性如何?
- Tiger is at the tee. The lingua franca of the world is a cheer. 泰格一挥动他的球棒,整个世界的共同语言就是欢呼。
- So it has now become the lingua franca in the world. 因此它已成为世界同用语言。
- So it has now become the lingua franch in the world. 因此英语已经成为世界通用语言。
- English is the lingua franca of international trade. 英文是国际商务的共同语言。
- Once a lingua franca is established, it takes a long time to shift. 通用语言一旦形成,它的地位就不会在短时间内受到撼动。
- The Phoenician is Syria and Asia Minor's lingua franca. 而腓尼基语则是叙利亚和小亚细亚的通用语言。