- musculi perineales 会阴肌
- Redness at perineum area or swelling. 会阴部发红或有胀痛现象。
- How to Conduct Perineum Nursing for Leukemia Patients? 怎样为白血病病人进行会阴护理?
- The first RP was performed in 1904 in a perineal approach. 第一例RP于1904年实施,采用经会阴途径。
- Note lacerations of cervix, vagina, rectum, perineum. 记录宫颈、阴道、直肠和会阴的裂伤情况。
- Fourth Phthirus adopted, such as pubic and perineal skin contact . 四是阴虱等会通过阴毛及会阴部皮肤接触传播。
- The prevention perineum wound infection is the work which ob... 适时留置静脉针是预防产后出血的关键环节。
- The diagnosis of imperforate anus is made by inspection of the perineum. 肛门闭锁的诊断靠会阴的望诊即可。
- Surgical incision of the perineum during childbirth to facilitate delivery. 分娩时切开外阴以助生产的手术.
- Surgical incision of the perineum during childbirth to facilitate delivery . 分娩时切开外阴以助生产的手术.
- The dumbbell like white keratotic existed in vulva, perineum and around anus. 皮损主要表现为外阴、会阴及肛周有呈哑铃状角化白色斑片;
- Results The urethra and vagina had separate openings in the perineum. 2例尿道口、阴道口分别暴露于体外,肛门在正常位置上重建,无尿、便失禁。
- Conclusion The parameters can be used as the basic elements in the diagnosing the musculi diseases. 结论提供正常胸大、小肌声像图的形态、大小、肌肉的回声,正常胸大肌的超声图像及数值,可作为病变诊断的基础参数。
- The abdomen is anxious, is you contracts the musculi abdominis to create intentionally, why can you like this? 腹部紧张,是你故意收缩腹肌造成的,你为什么要这样呢?”
- Conclusion The partial excision of musculi puborectalis is the method which h... 结论耻骨直肠肌部分切除术治疗耻骨直肠肌综合征方法简便,疗效好,并发症少。
- Non-monotone curve of the musculi skeleti is divided into two parts at the turning point between monotone increasing and monotone decreasing. 在骨骼肌非单调变化曲线的单调增与单调减变化的转折点处分段,分别建立灰模型。
- Objective To diagnose the diseases of musculi pectoralis major,it is important to recognize the ultrasonic image of normal musculi. 目的正确识别健康人胸大肌声像图,为其病变诊断提供依据。
- Methods: 68 cases of children with RRTI were treated by Injection of Astragali as the musculi dorsi reactant and 51 cases by levamisole as control. 方法:68例RRTI患儿采用背肌反应物注射黄芪注射液治疗,并与左旋咪唑治疗51例进行疗效对比观察。
- It happens to the penis in man and labium majus pudend,labium minus pudend,perineum locum around hymen in woman. 男性多发生于阴茎,女性多发生于大小阴唇、会阴、处女膜周围等会阴部位。
- Methods We compared the musculi pectoralis major of healthy human being with the fresh motion musculus of pig,in vitro,by the high frequency ultrasound. 方法通过高频超声检查健康人正常胸大肌,及猪离体新鲜运动肌水槽内超声检测。