- The war was lost because of a shortage of munitions. 战争因军火不足而失败。
- He was hired by a munitions factory. 他被一家生产军需品的工厂雇佣。
- He bought a used car from a car dealer. 他从汽车商那里买了一辆旧汽车。
- The dealer was slavering over some precious stones. 那商人对一些宝石垂涎欲滴。
- She's an antique, a used-car, etc dealer. 她是经营古董、 旧车等的商人。
- There is a smut dealer just near the high school. 在那所高中附近,有个卖黄色书刊的人。
- That car dealer always gives you a square deal. 那个车商价格总是很公道。
- A dealer in textiles, especially silks. 绸布商做纺织品生意的商人,尤指绸缎商
- Mr. Brown is a dealer in furniture. 布朗先生是个家俱商。
- She's now firmly established (in business) as an art dealer. 她已稳固地奠定了艺术品商的地位。
- A peddler or dealer of cheap goods. 小贩卖廉价货的小贩或商人
- No matter how broke he is, he never goes to a juice dealer. 无论怎么拮据,他从不向高利贷者借钱。
- Our store is the biggest dealer in Cloisonne ware here. 本店是此地最大的景泰蓝销售店。
- The war is lost because of a shortage of munitions. 因军火不足而战败。
- Some merchants make money by way of munitions. 一些商人以贩卖军火赚钱。
- Munitions release is not authorized. 不许发射弹药。
- The dealer gave us an allowance on our old car. 车商给我们的旧车打了折扣
- The painting was knocked down (to an American dealer) for 5000. 那幅画拍卖时以5000英镑售出(给一个美国商人).
- Any arms, munitions, living plants or animals? 有武器弹药或活的动植物吗?
- Munitions were canoed across the river. 军火用独木舟搬运过河。