- multistory villar 多层别墅
- We bid for the erection of a multistory building. 我们投标建一座大楼。
- Grauer, Carol Vasquez Villar, Arthur R. 放大图片 作者: Robert T.
- How to link multistory (hotlinked) modules in one step to a central file? 如何一个步骤链接多楼层(热链接的)模块到一个中心文件?
- This position affords me very heavy experience with multistory office buildings throughout China. 该职使我有机会在全国承接高层办公大楼的建筑。
- But it was set to be the youngsters' day in Villar and they sure didn't waste their chance to shine. 在维拉尔这是属于年轻球员的一天,他们也没有错过表现自己的机会。
- Afterward, the Garcia 2nd pole struck into the ball the long grass, ate the birdie to lose to the Villar gas finally. 之后,加西亚第2杆将球击入了长草,最终吃到了柏忌败给了维勒加斯。
- Fig.13 illustrates the general arrangement of a typical block of multistory fiats composed almost entirely of factory-made precast concrete units. 图13所示为典型几乎完全由生产厂家制造的预制混凝土构件所组装的多层公寓大楼的布局设置。
- Villar highlighted the program as being a great success in making HP's printers visible in the global supply chain. 比利亚尔强调计划是一个巨大的成功,使惠普公司的打印机可见在全球供应链。
- In their place: multistory, contemporary-style hotels with fewer rooms and smaller restaurants. 其位置:多层,当代风格的酒店客房较少和规模较小的餐馆。
- Book online the cheapest hotels in Villar San Costanzo - low prices and high discounts. 网上预定在 Villar San Costanzo 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。
- Multistory farming; multilevel farming Intercropping trees, shrubs and crops of various heights for total ground cover. 多层次种植不同高矮的树木、灌木和作物相间种植,覆盖整个地面。
- Multistory large-bay residence is a type of building which will widely developed. 大开间住宅是一种有广泛发展前途的住宅建筑。
- A high-rise building with multistory basement and stagger transfer structure is tested on a shaking table. 采用有限元方法非线性模拟了土与地下室相互碰撞对高层结构反应的影响。
- RC shear wall with bi-directional single row of steel bars is applicable for multistory residence building. 双向单排配筋剪力墙结构适用于多层住宅结构。
- In the front 72 hole's competitions, the Villar gas and Garcia split out 273 poles to be lower than the standard bar 7 pole's result. 在前面72洞的比赛中,维勒加斯和加西亚都打出了273杆低于标准杆7杆的成绩。
- For multistory buildings, total square footage should be reported, rather than building footprint. 对于多层建筑,总立方英尺数都应计算在内,不只是建筑一层面积。
- "Villar of the here and now, with a high-spirited expression, the role of the cheeks as red wine but there have been significant flushing. 此时此刻的比利亚尔,带着意气风发的神情,双颊因为红酒的作用而出现了明显的潮红。
- Here 200 Native Americans forsake electricity to live in one of the United States?largest multistory pueblos. 这里200位土著美国人抛弃电力住在一个美国最大的多层的印地安人的村庄(集体住所)。
- De Mengbu Villar believes that Russia has no intention to restart the Cold War, as it is not in line with the interests of Russia. 德蒙布利亚尔认为,俄罗斯目前无意重启冷战,因为这并不符合俄罗斯的利益。