- Pertaining to a device that has one stable state. 用于修饰或说明只有一种稳定状态的设备。
- The most stable state esters of could well be polyester. 状态最稳定的酯类很可能要数聚酯。
- Through the experiments, it was proved that PST liposome prepared by reverse phase evaporation could be in the most stable state under neutral pH of environmental solution and refrigerated storage. 通过逆相蒸发法制备猪用生长激素脂质体,重点探讨外界环境和主要原料对猪用生长激素脂质体化学稳定性的影响。
- In this one process, produced noise of discontinuous blame stable state. 在这一过程中,产生了间断的非稳态噪声。
- They spend most of the time in a stable state with the magnetic field aligned roughly with the spin axis. 他们与大致和旋转轴排列在一起的磁场一起,在其存在的大部分时间里都处于稳定状态。
- Refers to a bit(or bits) used to store one bit of information. A flag has two stable states and is the software analogy of a flip-flop. 指一位(或一些位), 用来存储一位信息。标记有两种状态,而且是一个触发器的软件模拟。
- Endogenous growth theory believes that economy tends to converge to its stable state or its equilibrium growth path. 新古典经济增长理论认为经济向自己的稳态或平衡增长路径收敛。
- A bit or series of bits with two stable states, used in software to indicate a single piece of information. 标记,特征位具有两种稳定状态的一位或一系列位,在软件中表明单一信息
- To keep stable state the charge group musts depend on the force that equal and opposite to charge attraction. 只有从其它途径获得与异号电荷吸引力等量且相反的力才能使电荷群稳定。
- Quick frozen and glassy state storage are the best methods for the storage of foods and biological materials , but fracture phenomena may occur during this process. 速冻及冻结玻璃化保存是食品和生物材料的最佳保存方法,但这种方法可能引起低温断裂。
- Lactic acid fungus beverage can keep even stable state often,easy to divide into layer and precipitate. 乳酸菌饮料常常不能保持均匀的稳定状态,易分层和沉淀。
- The microbe in persimmon wine appears in a comparatively good stable state,but there is non-bio-stability in the wine. 柿子酒的生物稳定性较好,但存在非生物不稳定现象。
- One important feature of the stable state is its spatiotemporal correlation (STC) developed in the propagation. 同步态的一个重要特征是它在传输中的时空关联。
- The energy flux through the ecosystem is being in a transition from a labile state to a stable state of balance. 根据李亚普诺夫稳定性原理,该系统能量流动过程的平衡态具有渐近稳定性。
- The stable state results showed that the combustion heat distribution in subsystems can be the base of engine design. 机体集总参数传热模型中机体与空气间的平均换热系数可以由发动机热平衡试验确定。
- Not, in a prolonged penile foreskin following section, shrinking its own degradation, and maintain a stable state. 不会,包皮长时间处于冠状沟以下部分时,会自行退化萎缩,保持稳定的状态。
- At the same time, it observes the activity capability of the state storage from the source of the stored grain, the influence of the operation, and evaluate the effect of opening of the granary. 同时从仓粮来源上观察官仓的活动能力,及其对仓种、仓法的影响,并进而评估开仓的成效。
- The populations along the altitudinal gradient are in stable state in Dongling Mountain, Beijing, China. 总体上,东灵山海拔梯度上辽东栎种群还是比较稳定的。
- Bistable Trigger Circuit A trigger circuit that has two stable states. 双稳态触发器电路一种触发器电路,有两种固定状态。
- Users muck around with environments in unpredictable ways, and getting them back time to a stable state is often tricky. 当用户以一种不可预期的方式将环境搞坏时,使他们回到稳定时的状态通常是明智的。