- Improvement on Initial Alignment Accuracy of SINS Using a Multiple Model Estimator 基于多模型估计提高捷联惯导系统初始对准的精度
- Multiple model estimation 多模型估计
- Patton, F. D., “Multiple Model of Shear Failure in Rock,” Proc. 1st Cong. of ISRM, Libson, pp.509-513, 1966. 苏怡维,岩石节理面微观力学模式应用性探讨,硕士论文,国立台湾大学土木工程学研究所,台北,1999。
- An interacting multiple model(IMM) adaptive filtering algorithm based on expected system noise model was presented. 本文提出基于期望系统噪声模型的自适应交互式多模型(IMM)算法。
- Thus, a recursive and adaptive DVF estimation algorithm based on multiple model approach is developed in this paper. 由此,本文提出一种基于多模方法的递归自适应DVF估计算法。
- Jena can create multiple models within a single database. Jena可以在一个数据库内创建多个模型。
- In this paper,a fuzzy interacting multiple model is developed to solve data association problem of a new target of MHT multitarget tracking. 摘要 研究了基于模糊交互式多模型算法解决多假设多目标跟踪中的新目标数据相关问题。
- Based on the method of minimum prediction error control, a multiple model adaptive controller( MMAC) for discrete time is presented. 基于最小预测误差控制器设计方法,设计离散时间系统多模型自适应控制器,并引入“局部化”方法。
- Use a Model 2750 Multimeter/Switch System with multiple Model 7702 modules if more than 40 conductors must be tested at one time. 如果同时测量的导线超过40根,就需要带有7702型模块的2750型多用表/开关系统。
- A multiple model particle filter algorithm is presented in this paper for the maneuvering weak target which dynamics is complicated. 该文针对目标作复杂运动的情况,提出了机动弱目标检测前跟踪的多模粒子滤波算法。
- The objective of this work is to introduce a multiple model control strategy of multivariable dynamic matrix control for ball mill grinding circuit. 该方法基于不同的矿石硬度对球磨过程建立不同的阶跃模型进行多模型预测控制。
- Based on the method of minimum prediction error control, a multiple model adaptive controller (MMAC) for discrete time is presented. 基于最小预测误差控制器设计方法,设计离散时间系统多模型自适应控制器,并引入“局部化”方法。
- multiple models estimation 多模型估计
- In order to resolve the maneuvering problem in target tracking,an algorithm based on interacting multiple model(IMM) method was presented. 针对目标跟踪中的目标机动问题提出了一种“基于自适应相互作用多模型”的算法。
- From the simulation result we can find that the two algorithms give consistent model estimate in case of EIV. 从仿真结果可以看出,这两种算法在EIV情况下,辨识结果是无偏的。
- Multiple models are created and maintained in parallel in a Software Factory. 模型并行建立和维护。
- It is demonstrated very successfully that the simulated or real scatterometer data with the modified model estimation has been retrieved in this paper. 从结果可以看到,所采用的改进的场方式反演方法对模拟数据或真实散射计探测海面风场的反演是成功的。
- Interaction multiple model ( IMM ) estimator algorithm IMM估计算法
- The partial least square regressive method (PLS) is applied to build the model estimating the annual load of NSP, whose results are compared with the ones of least square method. 将偏最小二乘回归模型应用于流域非点源污染年负荷量预测,并与基于最小二乘的多元线性回归模型预测结果进行了对比。
- Abstract Abstract:A fast efficient algorithm is developed for multiple model adaptive estimation in the terminal interception of randomly maneuvering target scenario. 摘要 摘要:针对随机机动目标末端制导拦截问题,提出了一种快速有效多模型自适应估计算法。