- multiple sex chromosome 复(数)性染色体
- multiple sex chromosome system 复数性染色体系统
- A chromosome that is not a sex chromosome. 常染色体非性染色体的一个常染色体
- Multiple sex partners were common. The rate of condom use was low. MSM中多性伴现象普遍,安全套使用率较低;
- Humans have 22 chromosome pairs plus two sex chromosomes. 除了两个性染色体之外,人体有22对染色体。
- Unlike other sex chromosome aneuploidy, there are no characteristic physical features for triple X patients. 由于大部分患者缺乏明显的表现型特征,造成本综合征有相当大的鉴别难度。
- All the new genes might be located at euchromosomes but MMSA-1 at sex chromosome. 除MMSA-1可能定位于性染色体,其余均可能定位于常染色体;
- Besides,we discussed the sex chromosome and the mechanism of sex determination of Elaphodus cephalophus. 根据现存的几种核型的分析对毛冠鹿的性染色体及性别决定机制作了初步的探讨。
- Mammals normally have two sex chromosomes. 哺乳动物正常情况下有两种性染色体。
- Republican leaders praise the move as the party has been rocked with multiple sex scandals in recent months. 由于共和党在近月内连遭数起性丑闻事件其领导人也对该事件的平息表示欣慰。
- Method: Studying of normal and sex chromosome by classic cytogenetic analyse in leukemia patients before and after treated by allo-HSCT. 方法:应用常规细胞遗传学方法定期检测白血病患者异基因造血干细胞移植前后常染色体、性染色体情况。
- X chromosome was the second largest submetacentric chromosome and Y was the smallest acrocentric chromosome in 1 pair sex chromosome. 1对性染色体中 ,X染色体为 1条第二大的亚中部着丝点染色体 ,Y染色体为最小的端部着丝点染色体。
- Methods Study the normal and sex chromosome by classic cytogenetic analysis in leukemia patients before and after treatment by allo-HSCT. 方法应用常规细胞遗传学方法定期检测白血病患者异基因造血干细胞移植前后常染色体、性染色体情况。
- Results: Three of women patients had karyotype such as 46, XY showed donor s sex chromosome in 4 successful cases and primary abnormity disappeared. 结果:4例移植成功患者其中异性别3例性染色体表现为供者性染色体,原有异常消失;
- The UK follows close behind, with 9.3 per cent of married or cohabiting men and 5.1 per cent of married or cohabiting women confessing to multiple sex partners. 英国紧随其后,9.;3%25的已婚或同居男人和5
- As we know ,the analysis of sex chromosome on ejaculated spermatozoa from the patient with a 46,XY/47,XXY by X/Y dual probe was reported for the first time in China. 这是国内第1例用双色荧光原位杂交检测46,XY/47,XXY少精子征患者精子性染色体的报告。
- The incidence of chromosome anomaly in hypospadias was higher than that of general population, and the majority of anomalies occurred in sex chromosome. 至于染色体异常发生的比率,则与尿道下裂开口位置严重程度,没有互相关联。
- Conclusion Identification of sex by FISH analysis of a single cleavage cell is accurate, and sex chromosome mosaicism will not affect preimplantation gender diagnosis. 结论 应用荧光原位杂交技术可准确地进行单细胞种植前性别诊断,性染色体嵌合型不会影响胚胎的性别诊断。
- But unlike humans, the X and Y are not sex chromosomes. 但是与人类不同的是,其X与Y染色体却不是性染色体。
- The result showed that the ovary and brain aromatase gene of Nile tilapia was located on two different pairs of small chromosome other than the sex chromosome. 结果显示,尼罗罗非鱼卵巢和脑芳香化酶基因位于2对不同的小染色体上,而不是位于性染色体上。