- As you probably know, a batch request is multiple requests grouped together. 您可能已经知道,成批请求就是成组的多个请求。
- A facility that can process multiple requests in parallel. 能并行处理多个请求的一种设施(即程序)。
- A peer submits multiple requests for music files and then checks back sometime later to see if the music request service in the peer group has found them. 对等机提交了几个对音乐文件的请求并在一段时间后核查对等组中的音乐请求服务是否找到了这些文件。
- Property as a built-in structure for automatically retaining values between multiple requests for the same page. 属性作为内置结构,在对同一页的多个请求间自动保留值。
- In a production application, multiple requests might end up simultaneously using the same instance. 在生产应用程序中,多个请求最后可能会同时使用同一实例。
- Running multiple requests or stress testing may cause the code to fail, hang, or crash on creation or termination of an Office application. 运行多个请求或压力测试可能导致在创建或终止Office应用程序时代码失败、挂起或崩溃。
- ASP.NET provides session-state management to enable you to store information associated with a unique browser session across multiple requests. ASP.;NET提供了会话状态管理;使您可以根据多种请求存储与唯一浏览器会话相关联的信息。
- For an example that demonstrates best practices for reusing a client for multiple requests, see Data Binding in an ASP.NET Client. 有关为多个请求重用客户端的最佳实践的演示示例;请参见Data Binding in an ASP.;NET Client。
- Property is used to name a group of connections to a resource so that multiple requests can be made over a single connection. 属性用于命名一组到资源的连接,从而可以在单个连接上进行多个请求。
- If the goal is to tie together a complicated business process across multiple requests, then state management should reside on the business tier. 如果目标是将跨多个请求的复杂业务过程联系在一起,那么状态管理应该在业务层上进行。
- Your request will be dealt with in due course. 你的要求将在适当时机予以处理。
- Her request for a donation met with a repulse. 她要求赞助却遭到粗暴拒绝。
- Structuring the data according to its change characteristic enables identification of data elements that stay constant across multiple requests or across multiple users. 根据其更改特征设计数据结构,可以对跨多个请求或多个用户保持为常数的数据元素进行标识。
- Be it our duty to comply with his request? 我们有义务满足他的要求吗?
- We illustrated a scenario of multiple schema models, multiple requests responses for a single page, and showed the JSF dropdown control binding for XML data. 我们举例说明多schema模型、对于单一页面中多个请求及响应的场景,并且说明了绑定XML数据的JSF下拉式控制。
- By executing multiple requests in autocommit mode using multiple active result sets (MARS), it is possible to have more than one active transaction on a single session. 通过使用多个活动的结果集(MARS)以自动提交模式执行多个请求,一个会话中可以有多个活动事务。
- Her kind words led up to a request for money. 她的好话为要钱的事打开了门路。
- My kind words led up to a request for money. 我说了许多好话才使我借到钱。
- On the other hand, if you skimp on tipping at any restaurant in the United States or to a concierge who has helped fulfill multiple requests, you probably won't be welcome again. 可是在美国任何一家餐馆,如果在用餐或者对帮助你完成了多个任务的服务生没给足小费的话,下次也许就不会受到欢迎了。
- A request for information from another system. 为查看另一系统中的信息而发出的一种请求。