- Objective: To investigate the value of multiple parameter flow cytometry in diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). 摘要目的:探讨多参数流式细胞术在非霍奇金淋巴瘤(NHL)中的诊断价值。
- Therefore, a new kind afforestation budgetary method that takes the multiple parameter M as t... 为此,根据城市生态系统的特点提出了一种新的以综合参数M为指标的绿化概算方法。
- Use echo’s multiple parameters instead of string concatenation. 使用echo的多重参数(译注:指用逗号而不是句点)代替字符串连接。
- The principle and design of an intelligent multiple parameter tester for oil bunker are introduced. The special features and applied vista are discussed. 介绍了石油库智能多种参数综合测试仪的工作原理和设计思想,讨论了它的特点及应用前景。
- Parameter prefixes are used with URL parameters to access the report server.You can specify multiple parameter prefixes in a URL. [本主题是发行前的文件集,在未来的版本中可能有所变更。
- Therefore the Identity parameter typically also consists of the values of other parameters, or combined set of values from multiple parameters on a single object. 因此,Identity参数通常还包括其他参数值,或者单个对象上多个参数中的组合值集。
- These provide good visual feedback, allow users to adjust multiple parameters from a single control, and support more expressive gestural user interactions. 它们具有很好的视觉反馈,允许在一个控件中调节多个参数,并支持更具表现力的用户界面。
- If an indexer requires multiple parameters, reevaluate whether the property really represents access to a logical collection. 如果一个索引器需要多个参数,请重新评估该属性是否确实表示对逻辑集合的访问。
- Conclusion This wearable physiological monitoring system can record multiple parameters non-intrusively and concurrently. 结果实现了呼吸、心电、体位、体动、体温等多生理参数的穿戴式、协同监测系统设计。
- This method can be applied to the optimum controlling in the non-linear, dynamic system with multiple parameters and constraint conditions. 这种方法适用于非线性动态系统中多参数、多约束条件的最优控制。
- Multiple Parameter Orthogonal Increment Processes 多指标正交增量过程
- Objective Effects of prenatal exposure to HTO(tritiated water) on postnatal growth and neurobehavior of rats were studied by determination of multiple parameters. 利用多项指标研究出生前氚水照射对仔代大鼠生长发育及神经行为的影响。
- Methods The ambulatory electrocardiogram of 135 cases with ventricular arrhythmia more than 1000 times were analysed retrospectively, and the multiple parameters were compared. 方法:回顾性分析135例动态心电图中出现室性心律失常1000次以上患者的报告,并进行多项指标的分析比较。
- He is the person with multiple injuries. 他就是那个多处受伤的人。
- The magnetic measurement system of multiple parameters was investigated based on the fundamental electromagnetic principles, and combined with the measurement system of Brighton university. 根据电磁测量基本原理,针对磁致伸缩材料棒材的动、静态磁特性,结合英国布莱顿大学的的测量系统,研制了多参数磁测量系统。
- From present research, no one or a group of examination can diagnose malnutrition perceptively and distinctively.Most of scholars emphasized multiple parameters combination and synthetic assessment. 从目前研究看尚无一个或一组检查能较敏感且特异地诊断营养不良,多数学者强调多指标联合应用,综合评价。
- Friendship multiple joy and divide grieve. 朋友之间,欢乐同享,苦难同当。
- Conclusion The comprehensive analysis of multiple parameters by 2D HFU features is helpful to definite diagnosis in most breast carcinoma, but it is limited in diagnosis of small breast carcinoma. 结论 二维超声征象多参数综合分析对大多数乳腺恶性肿瘤有助于明确诊断,但对微小乳腺癌的诊断仍有局限性。
- Thorough study was made on the metallogenetic potential of Heishanzui gamma anomalies bymeans of multiple parameters from various aspects and some viewpoints are proposed for further work from now on. 从多角度采用多参数对黑山嘴伽玛异常成矿远景做了深入研究,并对今后的进一步工作提出了看法。
- Spend by each department have to fall within certain parameter. 每个部门的开支必须属于确定的系数之内。