- Two strains of Crithidia bombi from natural multiple infection was used to infect to their host bumble bees( Bombus terrestris ). 利用自然界多重感染来源的两株熊蜂短膜虫(Crithidiabombi)对熊蜂宿主(Bombusterestris)进行了感染实验。
- Our results show that clinician must select antibiotic according to the drug sensitive test of diplococcus gonorrhoeae to prevent drug-fast bacteria multiple infection. 其结论是临床用药应参考淋病奈瑟菌药敏试验结果,合理选用抗生素,预防多重耐药菌株的产生。
- Keywords Multiple infection;Tick borne pathogens;Ixodes persulcatus; 复合感染;蜱媒病原;全沟硬蜱;
- Antibiotic can be used against infection. 抗菌素可以用来防止感染。
- The infection is at last responding to medication. 药物治疗终于开始对感染显出效果。
- This infection is transmitted by mosquitoes. 这种传染病是由蚊子传染的。
- He is the person with multiple injuries. 他就是那个多处受伤的人。
- Fever may be indicative of an infection. 发烧可能表明受了感染。
- Friendship multiple joy and divide grieve. 朋友之间,欢乐同享,苦难同当。
- Are you sure there is no danger of infection now? 你敢不敢肯定现在已经没有传染的危险了?
- Poor health predisposes to infection. 健康状况不佳易受感染。
- We use the hall for multiple purposes. 这个大厅我们派多种用途。
- He suffered from a lung infection. 他肺部受到了感染。
- He had an infection in the upper respiratory tract. 他上呼吸道感染。
- The medicine will arrest the infection in his leg. 这个药会防止他的腿发炎。
- A fungal infection in or on a part of the body. 真菌病身体或者身体的一部分的真菌感染
- A multiple crash can often be seen on that motorway. 那条公路上的联环撞车事故很多。
- He was infected with a latent infection. 他被感染了一种潜伏性的传染病。
- The child broke out into a rash five days after being exposed to infection. 这小孩受了感染5天之后,发出一片红疹。
- This new type of infection is resistant to antibiotics. 这种新的传染病对抗菌素有抗药性。