- With multiple devices in the system, there is a level of fault tolerance. 系统中有多个设备时,有一个容错级别。
- A serial data output permits cascading of multiple devices in applications requiring additional drive lines. 串行数据输出允许在需要附加驱动线路的应用中进行多器件级联。
- To dial multiple devices, both your connection and your remote access server must have Multilink enabled. 要拨打多重设备,您的连接和远程访问服务器都必须已启用多重链接功能。
- The same subscriber can appear in this view multiple times if they have defined multiple devices. 同一个订阅方如果定义了多个设备,则可以在此视图中出现多次。
- This software might be useful for controlling a robotics system with multiple devices and tools. 这个软件对控制多设备和多工具的机器人系统也许有用。
- IrDA accommodates peer connectivity where multiple devices can establish connections to the same host. IrDA支持对等连接,即多个设备与同一主机建立连接。
- Using multiple devices can increase throughput in proportion to the number of devices used. 使用多个设备可以按使用的设备数成比例提高吞吐量。
- A CMOS serial data output permits cascading between multiple devices in applications requiring additional drive lines. CMOS串行数据输出允许需要附加驱动线路的应用中多器件间的级联。
- If you recall, a single driver can create multiple devices even though we have only created one. 如果你使用检索,那么单一的驱动可以创建多个设备。
- A list includes more than one element only when multiple devices share the same IRQ. 一个链表只有在多个设备共享同一个IRQ时才会包含更多的元素。
- A simple way to increase the number of devices a system can host is to allow multiple devices to share a common IRQ. 一个简单的方法可以增加该系统可以提供的设备数目,就是充许多个设备共享一个通用的IRQ。
- The problem would be especially acute when customers had to do initial setups and configurations of multiple devices after their orders arrived. 当客户在订货到达后不得不对多台设备进行初始设置和配置的时候,该问题将会更为尖锐。
- Developers are encouraged to test applications on multiple devices to understand device-specific variances in performance. 开发人员最好在多个设备上测试应用程序,以了解设备特定的性能变化。
- For this reason pressurized cryogenic containers are normally protected with multiple devices for over-pressure prevention. 由于这个原因,一般用多种装置来保护受压低温容器,以防止过压。
- On-the-spot archiving system, as one of the important applications, normally involves transferring heterogenous data between multiple devices. 现场建档系统是其中一类重要应用,这通常需要在多台设备间互通性质不同的数据。
- ICs are small pieces of silicon into which multiple devices (diodes, capacitors, resistors and/or transistors) have been microscopically engineered. IC乃容纳以显微方式集成二极管、电容器、电阻器及/或晶体管等多个装置的小型硅片。
- Depending on your application, your implementation of the content formatter may need to handle the formatting of digest notifications, multiple devices, and multiple locales. 实现内容格式化程序时可能需要处理摘要通知的格式设置、处理多个设备和多个区域设置,这取决于不同的应用程序。
- With multiple devices, as with the first backup set, the content of every subsequent backup set is distributed among the backup media on all of the devices. 如果使用多个设备,则与第一个备份集相同,每个后续备份集的内容都分布在所有设备的备份媒体中。
- If the backups were taken with multiple devices that were attached to the server, the same number of devices must be available during an online restore. 如果创建备份时有多个设备连接到服务器,则在线还原期间,可用设备数必须相同。
- Because of the unavailability of bidirectional power switches,the use of multiple devices to constitute a bidirectional power switch make the control more complex. 由于矩阵变换器的双向开关都是由分立器件组合而成,使得矩阵变换器控制实现相对复杂。