- Steps for joining tables with multiple criteria for each table. 将多个表与每个表的多个条件联接的步骤。
- Counts the number of cells within a range that meet multiple criteria. 计算区域中满足多个给定条件的单元格的个数。
- You can specify multiple criteria by using the -and comparison operator. 可以使用-and比较运算符指定多个条件。
- Zeleny, M. (1976), Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Springer-Verlag, N.Y. 许志义(民84年),多目标决策,五南图书出版有限公司,台北市。
- To sort using multiple criteria, click Sort under Refine recipient list in the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box. 要使用多个条件进行排序,请在“邮件合并收件人”对话框中单击“调整收件人列表”下的“排序”。
- To find rows that meet multiple criteria for one column, type the criteria directly below each other in separate rows of the criteria range. 要查找满足“一列中有多个条件”的行,请直接在条件区域的各行中依次键入条件。
- To find rows that meet multiple criteria in multiple columns, type all of the criteria in the same row of the criteria range. 要查找满足“多列中有多个条件”的行,请在条件区域的同一行中键入所有条件。
- Search your account quickly. Perform simple word searches, or do anAdvanced Search to find items that meet the multiple criteria that youspecify. 帐号内的关键词检索:分字段检索;
- Seydel, and Olson, L., “Bids Considering Multiple Criteria”, Journal of the Construction Engineering and Management, Vol.116, No.4, 1990. 黄庆隆,公共工程投标案评估专家系统之刍议,现代营建,第138期,民国80年,第51-55页。
- Belton, V. and Stewart, T. J., Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis: An Integrated Approach, Boston: Kluwer Academic, 2002. 吴文龙,环境影响评估权重方法之研究发展,私立淡江大学水资源及环境工程研究所硕士论文,民国79年。
- To find rows that meet multiple criteria in multiple columns, where any criteria can be true, type the criteria in different rows of the criteria range. 要查找满足“多列中有多个条件,其中所有条件都必须为真”的行,请在条件区域的不同行中键入条件。
- Unlike the dialog box, update queries can accept multiple criteria, you can update a large number of records in one pass, and you can change records in multiple tables. 与对话框不同的是,更新查询可接受多个条件,可以一次性更新大量记录,还可以更改多个表中的记录。
- The paper aims to study and design a multiple criteria decision evalua tion system, which is to be used in the evaluation of engineering product design . 针对产品设计中方案设计与评价的复杂的决策问题,研究并设计了基于知识的,有限方案的多准则决策评价系统。
- Tseng, F. M.,Chiu, Y. J. (2004), "Business performance evaluation on large area TFT-LCD panel companies in Taiwan", the 17th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making , Whistler, Canada. 曾芳美;邱榆净(2004);“应用模糊多目标决策分析方法分析台湾大尺寸薄膜液晶显示器产业经营绩效”;第三届工研院创新与科技管理研讨会.
- Hsu-Shih Shih* (2007), A Note on the Incremental Analysis for MCDM. 65th Meeting of the European Working Group
, 65, 12-14,63, April, 2007, Poznan, Poland. 刘台雄、时序时*、周清江、徐焕智、杨维桢(2007),同仁审查之流程与关键因素探讨-以台湾证券交易所系统设计审查为例。2007年两岸三地管理科学暨企业经营学术研讨会,173-192,中国科学院,西双版纳,云南,2007年6月25日。 - Since the evaluation is complicated with multiple criteria, this study applies multi-criteria decision making to create a hierarchical model in order to understand the relevance of variables. 为考虑评估的复杂性与多准则之特性,本研究应用模糊多准则决策建立阶层评估体系,以模糊层级分析法针对职棒捕手表现评估指标求取评选权重,清楚了解各构面与指标的相对重要性。
- Dynamic MC2(Multiple Criteria and Multiple Constraints) transportation problem describes the supply and demand fluctuates of many stages,and its model frame can be applied to a lot of fields. 摘要 动态MC2运输问题是描述多阶段供求波动的运输问题,其模型框架可以应用到很多领域。
- multiple criteria decision-making 多目标决策
- multiple criteria decision analyzing 多属性决策分析
- multiple criteria decision making under risk 多指标风险型决策