- It is one of a few Government-run daily news bulletins on the Internet with multimedia content. 它亦是现时世界少数由政府每日更新内容的一个多媒体新闻网站。
- We plan to finish adding all family members then we plan to add multimedia content i. E. Streaming audio and video. 我们计划完成增加所有家庭成员我们然后计划增加多媒体内容即流出的音像和录影。
- A CDA document is a defined and complete information object that can include text, images, sounds, and other multimedia content. CDA文档是可以包含文本、图像、声音和其它多媒体内容的明确而完整的信息对象。
- All video and multimedia content is hosted on cloud computing, which means it's fast, un-interruptible service. 所有的多媒体档案都在“云端运算”主机架构上,意思是说又快又不会断掉。
- So as a developer who wants to use MPEG-7 to describe multimedia content, you must have a deeply understanding about MPEG-7 DDL and MPEG-7 MDS. 本文针对图象描述的特殊需求,参考MPEG-7对图象的描述,建立了通用的图象描述工具CDTI和图象描述模式。
- This technology will provide superior wireless voice quality and data services supporting video and multimedia content sent wirelessly to laptops, handholds and smart phones. 此技术将提供极好的无线通话质量和数据服务,支持通过无线方式向便携机、手持设备和灵巧电话发送视频图形和多媒体内容。
- The SMIL allows customers to write the alternant multimedia contents. SMIL允许用户编写交互性的多媒体内容。
- This technology will provide superior wireless voice quality and data services supporting video and multimedia content sent wirelessly to laptops,handholds and smart phones. 此技术将提供极好的无线通话质量和数据服务,支持通过无线方式向便携机、手持设备和灵巧电话发送视频图形和多媒体内容。
- MIME defines a broad range of message content that includes languages that can't be represented in 7-bit ASCII text, HTML, and other multimedia content. MIME定义多种邮件内容,包括无法使用7位ASCII文本表示的语言、HTML以及其他多媒体格式。
- To understand how your computer handles multimedia content, such as when an audio CD or DVD is inserted in a CD or DVD drive, see Change AutoPlay settings. 若要了解计算机如何处理多媒体内容,如将音频CD或DVD放入CD或DVD驱动器时的处理,请参阅更改自动播放设置。
- Some elements in your Web pages, like sound and video clips or other multimedia content, might require the use of separate programs (helper applications or plug-ins). 在你网页中的一些元素,像声音和录象剪辑或其它多媒体内容,也许需要使用外部程序(辅助应用程序或插件)。
- The MPEG-4 international standard addresses the creation, authoring, encoding, and delivery of interactive multimedia content over a network or on a storage medium. MPEG-4标准解决了互动多媒体内容在网络上或在存储介质上的创建、编辑、编码和发布等问题。
- Colour and multimedia contents are welcomed and free of extra charge. 欢迎彩色和多媒体的内容,不另收取额外的费用。
- The bpod team bring together innovative ideas with proven industry experience to help your company maximise the potential of video podcasting and multimedia content. 播客小组把创新思想与业已证明的行业经验相结合,帮助贵公司使录像播客和多媒体材料潜能最大化。
- With the popularity of Goggle Video, YouTube, and the advent of Goggle Video Ads, the search engines will develop the technological means to better index multimedia content. 部分由于他们缺乏远见,或者期待太不现实,但最主要是由于他们受到了传统企业利益观的影响,这阻碍了网站充分地利用网络多媒体交流的性能和它大众化的经济特征。
- This is consumer first time can join all domestic entertainment equipment to a fictitious network, multimedia content is broadcasted in domestic any place. 这是生产者第一次能够把所有的家庭娱乐行动措施连贯到一个虚构收集,在家庭任何一个处所播放多媒体内容。”
- Most observers agree that,sooner or later,networks won't just be carrying a wide range of data applications;they'll also be running voice and multimedia content over those same links. 大多数观察人士同意,或早或晚,网络不会仅运送广泛的数据应用程序,它们也将在同样的链路上运行声音的和多媒体的内容。
- Expand the delivery of RTHK ON INTERNET multimedia contents to other mobile and new media platforms. 把港台网站的多媒体内容扩展至其他流动和新媒体平台。
- Examples of Learning Objects include multimedia content, instructional content, learning objectives, instructional software and software tools, and persons, organizations, or events referenced during technology supported learning. 学习对象的例子包括:多媒体内容、教育性内容、学习目标、教育型软件和软件工具,以及在技术支持的学习期间所涉及的人、组织和事件等等。
- Impact is devoted to developing into the Hi-Tech company with animation technology and advanced VR technology, Our company is a leading multimedia content provider and system integration trader. 因派)致力于发展为拥有动画技术和先进虚拟现实技术的高科技公司。