- It's a crusade against corruption. 这是一场反腐败的运动。
- multicultural crusade 多元文化运动
- People in Britain began to crusade for social welfare. 英国国内开始争取社会福利的运动。
- He was deeply involved with the anti-drugs crusade. 他深深地涉入了反毒品运动。
- We must crusade for world peace. 我们必须为世界和平而奋斗。
- The crusade for sexual morality is turning into a witch-hunt. 捍卫性道德的运动正在转化成对持异议人士的迫害。
- For 23years he led a crusade for peace. 他领导了一场和平运动23年之久。
- Her commitment to a great cause degenerated from a crusade into an obsession. 她致力于一伟大事业,但其崇高的奋斗精神已变质成为偏执的狂热。
- People began to crusade against Fascism. 人们开始声讨法西斯。
- The college students are active to crusade against the nuclear weapons. 大学生们积极投入开展反对核武器的运 动。
- The First Crusade captures Jerusalem. 第一次十字军征服耶路撒冷。
- We live in a multicultural society. 我们生活在一个多元文化的社会中。
- Canada is a multicultural country like China. 加拿大像中国一样是一个多元化国家。
- The Art of Burning Crusade: Loading Scene? 燃烧远征的艺术:地下城?
- Do you like the burning crusade as well? 那你一定也喜欢燃烧的远征了?
- Has your peaceful nature led you on a crusade? 和平的天性,是否已令你投向圣战?
- America is a multicultural country. 美国是个多元化的国家。
- In the first real crusade Jerusalem was captured. 第一次真正的十字军东征时攻下了耶路撒冷。
- He carried on a one-man crusade against disease. 他一个人进行去疾病运动。
- Project Gutenberg has evolved into a mini crusade. 计画古腾堡已经进入迷你改革运动之内进展。