- It can be considered a multi stage carburizing. 这一过程可以看成是一个多段渗碳过程。
- This paper introduces a modified Gibbs wave equation, and considers the effect of connection on commingling rod string. 本文对吉布斯波动方程做了一些修正,考虑了接箍对混合杆柱的影响,推导出新的方程。
- The recommendation about anti-dropout of rod string in Zhoucheng Oilfield is also prese... 文章还提出了洲城油田下步工作建议。
- Stabilization and antifriction of the rod string in horizontal hole are of great importance. 水平井用杆式泵采油时,抽油杆柱的扶正和减摩是一个重要的研究课题。
- The construction of ash dam in Weishui Power Plant adopts the multi stage pulverized coal ash subdam technology. 微水电厂贮灰坝的施工采用了多级粉煤灰子坝技术。
- The rod string dynamics model including the influences of rod-fluid-tubing viscous friction and rod-tubing Coulomb friction is developed. 在建立定向井有杆抽油系统的预测数学模型时 ,计入了杆液管粘性摩擦和定向井井斜造成的杆管库仑摩擦 ,同时考虑了实际泵况对系统的影响。
- The new device uses a rotary mechanism similar to ball joint to eliminate the unscrewing torque caused by the reciprocating motion of the rod string. 这种装置采用类似球形关节的旋转机构,消除了抽油杆柱上下往复运动产生的倒扣扭矩;
- The mathematic model of one dimensional multi stage carburation is obtained and it can describe every physical phenomenon in carburation. 该文建立了多段法渗碳的一维数学模型,用此数学模型能够清晰地描述渗碳过程中每一时段的物理行为。
- The better technological process now is the step control of carbon potential during carburizing.It can be considered a multi stage carburation. 目前最佳渗碳工艺方法是在整个渗碳过程中对碳势进行台阶式控制,这一过程可以看成是一个多段渗碳过程。
- A three-dimensional dynamic simulation model of rod string in actual borehole was established based on the characteristics of actual well track and system dynamics theory. 根据实际井眼轨迹的特征及系统动力学理论建立了抽油杆柱在实际井眼中的动态仿真模型。
- Raw dextran was separated and purified by multi stage ultrafiltration according to the different ranges of molecular weight. 通过采用分级超滤的方法以不同的分子质量范围对右旋糖酐粗品进行分离纯化,并分析右旋糖酐在不同分子质量范围内的分布。
- The forces on the rod string in slant stralght holes is different for that in stheight holes, therefore the calculationof the antishock sboke is different. 斜直井中抽油杆柱受力状况不同于直井,故其防冲距的计算也不同于直井。斜宜并检泵作业碰泵时,抽油杆柱由于重力作用在油管内呈螺旋状弯曲。
- According to the calculating equations of the friction load on the rod string on the upstroke and downstroke, the friction load increases remarkably with the increa... 孤东油田八区部分见聚油井摩擦载荷的计算值与实测值的实例对比表明,二者的数值差距很小,表明计算方法可行。
- Some problems concerning the design theories and optimization of multi stage decompression and micropore jet composite (MDMJC) mufflers are systematically analyzed. 对多级降压小孔喷注复合型消声器设计理论与优化方法中存在的问题进行了分析,介绍了为改善这些问题所做的一些探索工作。
- When using the mechanical recovery method with sucker rod pump in directional and horizontal wells,it needed install to centralizer on sucker rod string. 在定向井、水平井中使用有杆泵机械采油方法时,需要在抽油杆柱上安装扶正器。
- Establish the simulated calculation approach for simple sequential heat exchanger system and optimization for the multi stage sequential heat exchanger system. 建立简单序贯换热器系统的模拟计算方法,并优化设计多级序贯换热器系统。
- Its products can be categorised in sturcture to single shaft and multi stage compressor, multi shaft and multi stage compressor, single stage compressor, fans, etc. 其产品按结构形式分为单轴多级式压缩机,多轴多极式压缩机,单级式压缩机,离心式风机等;
- The Houjiangqiao Pb Zn deposit features multi source, multi stage in mineralization, which is mainly related to Devonian strata and hydrothermal activity. 后江桥铅锌矿具有多源、多阶段成矿特点,成矿主要与泥盆纪地层及热液作用有关。
- In contrast to conventional centralizers screwed on sucker rod, new-type centralizers have several advantages of simple structure,ease use, less cost and any positions spaced on the rod string. 它相对接头连接式抽油杆扶正器具有结构简单、成本低、易于安装使用,能够根据生产需要布置在抽油杆柱任意位置的特点。
- In the light of the frequent breaking of the rod string in a surface driven screw pump well, the force condition of the string in the well is analyzed by means of the elastoplasticity theory. 针对井口驱动螺杆泵抽油杆柱断脱频繁的问题,应用弹塑性理论分析了抽油杆柱在井中的受力状况。