- He pulled the lever and set the machine in motion. 他扳动操纵杆,启动了机器。
- Pull the lever and let the symbols spin. 你是否每天梦中都会与他们相遇呢?
- single-lever and multi strand 单层多股
- Robert leaned lightly on the lever and the rock groaned. 罗伯特把身子稍微倾斜一点压在杠杆上,岩石发出轧轧的响声。
- Lever and weight mounted to assist the disc in closing. 安装杠杆和压铁有助于阀瓣的关闭。
- Trigger students'unique potential and multi intelligence. 激发潜能,发展多元智慧。
- This rich, flexible multi strand bangle measures 7 inches in length, and slightly over 1/2 inch in width (at the widest point) and weighs (on average) 25 grams. 这个丰富,柔韧的多圈式手镯有7英寸长,1/2英寸宽(最宽的)重25克(平均)。
- Promote and facilitate cross training, job rotation, and multi skill training. 提倡并使交叉培训、轮岗及多技能培训工作顺畅进行。
- Levers and pulleys are simple machines. 杠杆和滑轮是简单机械。
- Illustrated below are some commonly accepted positions of the lever and weight. 下图是常见的、能够接受的操纵杆和压铁位置。
- Without question, Kratos pulls the lever and the platform begins rising. 毫不迟疑地,克瑞托斯拉动杠杆,跟着平台往上升了。
- Small lot and multi fiber blending is now the popular demand for finished yarn. 小批量、种纤维混纺是当前成品纱的需求趋势。
- Lever and Spring provides more positive control in closing the disc. 杠杆和弹簧在关闭阀瓣时可进行更加积极主动的控制。
- I am a fan of both the focusing lever and the larger attachable hood. 我热衷于对焦杆和大的附加遮光罩。
- The topic of mind control is elaborate, multifaceted, and multi layered. 精神控制的主题是详细叙述的、多侧面、多层次的。
- Hand wheel,lever and spanner driving and safety valve,pressure reducing valve,traps overleap this symbol. 注:1、手轮、手柄和扳手传动以及安全阀、减压阀、疏水阀省略本代号。
- A generalized database management and multi user operating system designed for the business environment. 一种为商业环境而设计的通用数据库管理和多用户操作系统。
- Most machines ,no matter how complex they may be ,are combinations of the lever and the inclined plane. 大多数的机器,不管多么复杂,都是杠杆和斜面的组合。
- It featured her distinctive,flowing music and multi overdubbed trancelike singing; the album sold four million copies world wide. 恩雅独特的、飘渺的音乐和她那经过多重配乐的令人神往的演唱风格在这张专辑中得以体现,在全世界的销量达到400万张。
- Kenny: Yes, and I used it as a lever and bent it. When he saw it he went ballistic. 肯尼:不错。我用那螺丝起子撬东西,把它弄弯曲了,爸爸看见,就怒火中烧。