- Class based on the given query string or event class name. 基于给定的查询字符串或事件类名初始化。
- Class based on a rectangle, starting and ending colors, and orientation. 根据一个矩形、起始颜色和结束颜色以及方向,创建。
- Thief is melee attack class based on hiding skill, and has fatal blow skill. 盗贼是近战攻击阶级基础上隐藏的技能,并已致命的打击技巧。
- And also restricted classes based on rank attained. 还有兵种的获得需要一定的军衔。
- FMP model and FMP based user interface generation set the foundation of our code generation system. FMP的创建以及基于FMP模型的用户界面思想的提出为代码自动生成系统提供了依据。
- Design and Research of the Self-Tuning Class based on HSIC Algorithm in Dual Function Gas Water Heater P. 双功能燃气热水器基于仿人智能控制算法的参数校正级设计。
- Class based on a rectangle, starting and ending colors, and an orientation angle. 根据矩形、起始颜色和结束颜色以及方向角度,创建。
- The working class is the class basis which our Party subsists on. 工人阶级是我党赖以生存的阶级基础。
- The paper presents a case study on instruction models of tutoring class based on exploratory practice. 摘要笔者以探究式研究方法为指导,介绍了视听课面授模式的个案研究。
- Talents are mostly class based, and they are apparently where the individualism is going to come in. 天赋很大程度上是基于职业的,而且在个人主义盛行的地方彰显。
- We must integrate consolidation of the Party's class Base with expansion of its mass Base. 坚持增强党的阶级基础和扩大党的群众基础相统一.
- Vbb data base user name? 数据用户名字?
- Vbb data base user password? 数据库密码?
- C/C++ code #include iostream using namespace std;class base { public : char * m_str;base ( char... 下面的小程序怎么编译不过去,公有继承,子类为什么不能访问父类的公有成员?
- First, use Application Developer tooling to generate the service, the binding, and the Java service skeleton class based on the portType in the process definition file. 中的portType,使用Application Developer工具来生成服务、绑定和Java服务框架类。
- The reasons of Mohism from outstanding thought to broken thought consists of the five respects:social structure,culture tradition,ideology,class base and organization forms. 墨学“中绝”主要存在社会结构、文化传统、思想意识、阶级基础、组织形式等五个方面的原因。
- The constructor initializer list supplies initial values for a class' base class and members.It does not specify the order in which those initializations are done. 构造函数初始化列表为类的基类和成员提供初始值,它并不指定初始化的执行次序。
- Computer Based User Documentation 基于计算机的用户文件
- But with the rapidveconomic development and social progress, the social and class basis of Confucianism is gradually disappearing. 然而随着经济的发展和社会的进步 ,儒学的社会基础和阶级基础正在逐步消亡。
- Kindly send us two samples of each class quote for. 报价时,请对每一个等级的各寄两个样品。