- Some satisfactory results using this system to design FRW2000 roller kiln are stated In this paper. 将该软件系统用于设计FRW2000型辊道窑获得了满意的设计结论。
- Final cooling section is at the end of the roller kiln, cooling tiles by axile fans suck a great of environment air and blow air onto the tiles directly, cooling tiles fast. 终冷段设在窑尾,它通过轴流风机,从伸入窑内的圆钢管打入大量的冷空气,达到快冷却制品目的。
- The article introduces a new roller kiln,which settle the problems of the narrow fire range and cool crack, in using the Huanghe sand. 本文介绍了一种新型辊道窑,很好地解决了以黄河泥沙为原料,制品烧成温度范围窄、冷却易炸裂的技术难题。
- Jermaine was the guest of honour at the Multi Channel Network's 2009 launch to advertisers in Sydney. 作为嘉宾,杰梅因在悉尼出席了多频道网路2009年开播仪式。
- The multi channel light base on NDIR was applied to analyze varied part of gas in single gaseous chamber. 本文在不分光红外分析法的基础上,应用一种多通道的光路,研究在一个气室中分析多种气体成分的方法。
- The new type tunnel kiln and roller kiln by adopting cleaned cold gas as fuel can greatly reduce firing energy consumption and improve glaze glossiness and regularity of products. 采用净化冷煤气作为燃料开发应用新型明焰裸烧的隧道窑和辊道窑,可以大幅度降低烧成能耗,提高产品釉面光泽度和规整度。
- The real time practice demonstrates the stability and reliablity of multi channel information network. 经过长时间的运行,证明多通道冗余信息网是稳定可靠的。
- The new type tunnel kiln and roller kiln by adopting cleaned cold gas as fuel can greatly reduce firing energy-consumption and improve glaze glassiness and regularity of products. 采用净化冷煤气作为燃料开发成功新型明焰裸烧的隧道窑和辊道窑,运行使用结果表明,该窑可以大幅度降低烧成能耗,提高产品釉面光泽度和规整度。
- Using the resolver-to-digital converter AD2S82A, designed a multi channel angle measuring system. 摘要利用轴角-数字转换芯片AD2S82A和旋转变压器,可以组成高精度的多通道测角系统。
- Based on the analysis of the multicomponcnt time scries, models ARV(6) and ARMAV (3,2) arc established with respect to the kinetic change of the roller kiln's temperature field. 本文应用多元时间序列分析,对辊道窑温度场的动态变化建立了ARV(6)与ARMAV(3,2)模型。
- Using the resolver-to-digital converter AD2S82A,design a multi channel angle measuring system. 利用轴角-数字转换芯片AD2S82A和旋转变压器,可以组成高精度的多通道测角系统。
- There are various fuel oil and fuel gas roller kilns and the length,channel width and output can be chosen by users. 有各种规格燃油、燃气辊道窑。其长度通道宽和产量可由客户自行选定。
- Theoretic analysis and simulative result indicate that the generator can produce multi channel and high density signals synchronously, and has widest output frequency band. 理论分析和仿真结果表明,该系统能够同时产生多路高密度通信信号,并且有很宽的输出频带。
- Sintering: Adopting Japanese TAGSAGO (taking gas as the fuel) automated thermostatic controlled roller kiln, our company can scientifically and reasonably control the sintering process and achieve high cleaning. (以气体为燃料)自动化恒温控制辊道窑,能够科学合理的控制烧成过程,而且达到高度清洁。
- Under the guidance of the thermal theory and the fuzzy control theory,this paper aims to make research on the atmosphere-temperature decouple control in roller kiln with the aid of computer. 本文以热工理论和模糊控制原理为指导,以计算机为辅助工具,以辊道窑为研究对象,研究了气氛温度的解耦控制。
- Coal-WaterSlurry (CWS) hasbeenputinto applicationina Ceramic Roller Kiln (CRK) forthe first timeinChina.Somekeytechniques in this complete technology have been analyzed in this paper. 通过对国内首次在陶瓷辊道窑上应用水煤浆成套技术的工业试验介绍,分别就燃烧应用系统中的各部分进行了详细地分析。
- The function and performance features of a PCI based multi channel parallel pre processing high speed data acquisition module P16ADC32 are described in details,as well as its working principle,working process and software design. 介绍了基于PCI总线的多通道并行预处理高速数据采集模板P16ADC32的功能和性能指标 ,工作原理 ,工作过程 ,及其软件设计
- For the purpose of gas hydrate study, multi channel seismic data were collected by Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IOCAS) using "R/V Science 1" in the East China Sea in 2001. 摘要使用中国科学院海洋研究所“科学一号”调查船于2001年以及20世纪80年代在东海地区采集的多道地震资料,以海域天然气水合物研究为目的,对这些资料进行了数据处理并获得了偏移地震剖面。
- The wall thickness measurement system by ultrasonic scan imaging technology was described, in which multi channel probe, pulser-receiver PCI card and network were applied successfully. 摘要介绍超声扫描成像技术在罐壁测厚中的应用。测厚系统采用多通道探头、PCI总线超声波界面卡和网络数据传输技术。
- The result shows that the ADSP210XX series DSP is especially suitable for multi channels digital signal processing. 研究结果表明,ADSP210XX系列DSP芯片特别适合于多路数字信号处理。