- mulberry silkworm rearing 家蚕饲育
- Yunnan could be a good base to produce cocoon with high quality because of its suitable natural conditions in mulberry planting and silkworm rearing. 摘要云南具有世界上比较适宜栽桑养蚕的自然条件,是生产优质原料茧的好基地。
- Notes: Don't mix using with fungicidal; when are spraying, don't get in touch with the mulberry silkworm; to spray at cloudy day or after 4 o'clock PM. 注意事项:勿与杀菌剂混用,施药时勿接触桑蚕,下午4点后或阴天全天施药。
- The paper explored the origin and differentiation of the mulberry silkworm (Bombyx mori) from the chromosome variation point of view. 本文从染色体变异角度对蚕的起源与分化作了探讨。
- The silkworm rearing of Shansang variety were contrasted with biological determination. 通过生物鉴定方式对陕桑系列桑品种进行养蚕对比。
- Give full play to the traditional advantage of breeding of mulberry silkworm and ramie planting to increase the production and quality of natural fibre materials such as cocoons, hemp and cotton. 充分发挥我省桑蚕养殖传统优势和苎麻种植优势,提高茧、麻、棉等天然纤维原料的产量和质量。
- Since ancient times, Chinese women have undertaken heavy jobs in silkworm rearing and silk weaving. The legendary silkworm goddess refers to the incarnation of the image of woman. 自古以来,妇女在蚕织劳动中担负着艰巨的工作,而传说中的蚕神,也往往是妇女形象的化身。
- On the basis of proven cases and syndrome differentiation, this article discussed the clinical experience of applying cimicifugae to treat deafness and mulberry silkworm to treat impotence. 结合验案分析,介绍在辨证论治的基础上,用大剂量升麻治疗耳聋、用僵蚕治疗阳痿的临床体会。
- Silk fibres and silk-based materials,such as spider and mulberry silkworm silk fibres,have been widely used in tissue engineering and biomedical application due to its good biocompatibility. 丝纤维特别是丝素蛋白和蜘蛛丝蛋白作为具有良好生物相容性的高分子生物材料在组织工程和生物医学领域里有着广泛的应用。
- YunFu city convening the spot meeting of mulberry planting and silkworm rearing 云浮市召开种桑养蚕工作现场会
- Also discusses the legendary origin,Poetry,arts,and medicine of silkworm, the Silk Road,and the spread of silkworm rearing technique that constiy- ute the rich and colorful silkworm culture. 论文从蚕的由来传说、诗歌、艺术、医药、丝绸之路和养蚕技术的传播等方面,论述了丰富的蚕文化。
- Based on a general analysis of distribution of pebrine in batch of parent silkworm rearing area,we put forward this scheme,including incorporative inspection and separate inspection. 在全面分析农村原蚕微粒子病批内分布状况的基础上,提出了农村原蚕分户制种微粒子病抽样检查方案,包括并户检查和分户检查两个步骤。
- breeding method of mulberry silkworm 家蚕育种方法
- original strain of mulberry silkworm 家蚕原种
- Study on mounting chemicals of mulberry silkworm 家蚕登蔟剂的研究
- On The Past, Today and Future of Silkworm Rearing 浅谈养蚕的过去现在和将来
- Application of overhead netting in silkworm rearing 悬空加网在家蚕饲养几种场合下的应用研究
- Testing method of mulberry silkworm cocoon (dried cocoon) 桑蚕茧(干茧)检验方法
- The key technical links for young silkworm rearing 提高小蚕共育质量的主要技术环节
- A little knack for silkworm rearing in rural areas 农村养蚕小窍门