- muladhara chakra 海底轮[其形四叶]
- Releasing pain and guilt linked to that chakra. 释放与脉轮连接的痛苦和内疚。
- The white light now enters your heart chakra. 白光现在进入你的心脏脉轮。
- The white light opens your third eye chakra. 白光开启你的第三只眼。
- The root chakra is the dreamtime of abundance. 根脉轮是丰饶的梦想时间层。
- This is indeed a form of fifth chakra seduction. 这实际是一种第五脉轮的诱惑。
- Remember the solar plexus chakra. 回忆起太阳丛脉轮。
- The hologram sits within the heart chakra. 全息图位于心之脉轮里。
- The crown chakra is the dreamtime of spirituality. 皇冠脉轮是灵性梦想时间层。
- Lapis Lazuli: Strengthens the immune system. 6th chakra. 天青石:有助于强化免疫系统。用于第六个穴位。
- Thou art the serpent coiled in sleep, in the lotus of the Muladhara. 你是一条沉睡中的蛇,盘绕在海底轮的莲花里面。
- Let us next focus on the root chakra, which sits at the tailbone. 接下来让我们聚焦在位于尾骨的根部脉轮。
- Up through the ascent to 3000, initiates retain a 7 Chakra System. 直到3000股的提升之前,提升者将保持在7脉轮的系统之中。
- This chakra governs the diaphragm and conscious breath. 该脉轮管辖着横膈膜和有意识呼吸。
- This will help balance the energy flow in the chakra system. 这会有助于平衡脉轮系统的能量流。
- The hologram sits in the heart chakra region of the human form. 全息图位于人类的心脏脉轮区域。
- There is a lotus that opens in the second chakra region. 在第二脉轮区域开有一朵莲花。
- Then your third chakra has been violated and your power stripped. 那么你的第三脉轮被入侵而你的力量被剥夺。
- As the lotus spins, the chakra appears as a single sphere. 随着莲花的旋转,脉轮会呈现为一个单独的球形领域。
- The first chakra holds the fear of survival or not having enough. 第一个脉轮持有你对幸存或不够丰饶的担心恐惧。