- Gretchen sees Carruth's mug shot. 格雷琴看到了卡鲁斯的面部照片。
- This passport picture looks like a mug shot. 护照照片像犯人照似的。
- There was a mug shot of the suspect in today's newspaper. 今天的报纸上刊登了嫌疑犯的照片。
- That's Dean on the left and Greg on the right in the column's mug shot. 在专栏的大头照中,左面是Dean,右面是Greg。
- His police mug shot was seen in every paper in the world. His stardom looked to be all over. 他在警署拍摄的嫌疑犯照片登上了世界各地的报纸,他的星运看似到此结束。
- One of our test pages had a postage-stamp sized mug shot that was viewed by 10 percent of our participants. 其中一个测试页面上,一块邮票大小的图片区域获得10%25受试者的注意。
- The mug shot is in fact a freeze-frame that convery the definitive and permanent way in which he has been caught. 事实上,面部照片传达了他被抓的决定性和永久的方面。
- The police mug shot of Nai Yin Xue, taken after he was arrested by US Marshals in Atlanta today. “法网恢恢,疏而不漏”。半年亡命天涯,薛乃印终于落网。这是他今天在被捕后的最新照片,似乎比以前还要发福了。
- The most expensive piece of clothing sold by the Walt Disney Company six years ago was a $75 sweatshirt embossed with a mug shot of Mickey Mouse. 迪士尼公司6年前最贵的衣服卖75美元,是一件凸印著米老鼠大头照的无领长袖运动衫。
- The app, called Me So Holy, involves using the iPhone’s camera to snap a mug shot of someone, which can then be scaled and cropped to replace Jesus’ face. 这款名为“我如此神圣”的程序具有面部拍照功能,它能摄下面部照片,在调整照片大小和剪切后将耶稣的脸换成自己的脸。苹果公司拒绝采用该程序。
- Students who said they'd left theirs in the dorm or at home had a mug shot taken.The purpose of the campaign was to catch"ringers,"students who take tests for other student. 那些称要留在宿舍或是呆在家的学生都要被拍一张面部照片.;这个行动的目的就是抓住"枪手";为其他学生代考的人
- Carol: We are going to do nothing, Mike.I have had it.I‘d have my finger prints and a very unflattering mug shot taken, and I have been suspended from school. 卡罗尔:我们什么也不干,我受够了,让我打了手印,还给我拍了一张非常丑的照片。
- A mug shot. 面部照片
- It's like a mug shot. 像犯人照似的。
- In a mirthful counterattack, Mr.Burton fined Mr.Parker $1, had Wanted posters with his mug shot tacked up around the office, and made him wear a scarlet E on his chest.Mr.Parker still works for Mr. 伯顿很兴奋地予以反击,罚派克1美元,在办公室里到处张贴他的大头像,作为“通缉犯”,在他衣服的胸口处贴上大大的紫色字母“E”(代表罪恶的电邮“Email”)。
- Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back. 玫瑰丛修剪後还能再长出新枝。
- should I get usedto this whole mug shot look? 我得一直忍受你这张扑克脸吗?
- The deer was peppered with shot all down one side. 那只死鹿的半边身子都被子弹击中。
- He has a mug of cocoa before bed. 他临睡前喝一缸子可可。