- Fish were surfacing to catch insects. 鱼浮到水面上捕捉昆虫。
- The tuck slowly ploughed through the mud. 车在泥泞中吃力地缓慢行驶。
- A passing car splashed mud on my new trousers. 路过的一辆车把泥水溅到我的新裤子上了。
- The mud was soft and our feet sank in. 泥很软,我们的脚都陷进去了。
- The truck bespattered my clothes with mud. 卡车溅得我满身衣服都是泥浆。
- The heavy wheels churned the earth into mud. 笨重的车轮将大地碾成了泥浆。
- She was trying hard to disgorge a fish bone. 她拚命想把鱼刺吐出来。
- She combed the mud out of the dog's fur. 她梳去狗的皮毛中的泥土。
- Fish doesn't go well with mutton. 鱼和羊肉在一起不好吃。
- Her clothes were bespattered with mud. 她的衣服溅上了泥污。
- The number of fish in coastal waters has decreased. 沿海鱼的数量已减少了。
- As the bus passed, it spattered mud on my clothes. 公共汽车开过时溅了我一身泥。
- The fish plopped back into the river. 那鱼扑通一声跃回河中。
- He removed the mud from his shoes. 他去掉鞋上的泥。
- The channel of the river filled up with mud. 河道塞满了泥。
- My boots are plastered with mud. 我的长统靴上粘满了泥巴。
- They were standing in the river spearing fish. 他们站在河里叉鱼。
- My car is sticking fast in the mud. 我的汽车陷在泥里不能动了。
- You were specifically warned not to eat fish. 已经特别叮嘱过你不要吃鱼。
- I didn't eat the fish because the smell put me off. 我没吃那条鱼,因为它的气味使我恶心。