- mucosanguineous feces 粘液血便
- Discharge or waste, such as pus or feces, from a living organism. 排出物从生命体排生物或废物,如脓、屎、尿等
- Eggs are excreted in the urine and feces. 虫卵从尿、粪中排出。
- The remainder is eliminated in the feces. 残留物由粪便中排出。
- Of, relating to, or composed of feces. 粪的粪的,关于粪的,粪组成的
- Please pick up dog feces from camps and trails. 请从帐蓬和小道上拾起狗的排泄物。
- It's loaded with bat feces found contain E.coli. 屋子里满是含有大肠杆菌的蝙蝠粪便。
- Eric Vincke: ...traces of animal feces. 追踪动物的粪便。
- The low race which removes feces with a rope! 把粪用绳子丢掉的下等的民族!
- Through the bird's feces, trematode eggs enter the water. 寄生虫在鸟类体内成熟、繁殖,牠们的卵再经由鸟粪进入水中。
- Bird vomits and/or passes its food undigested in its feces. 鸟儿呕吐或在其粪便中发现未消化的食物。
- The waste matter discharged from the large intestine; feces. 从大肠中排出的废物;粪便。
- Waste matter,such as sweat,urine,or feces,discharged from the body. 排泄物汗、尿或粪便等从身体排出的废料。
- Bird vomits and/ or passes its food undigested in its feces. 鸟儿呕吐或在其粪便中发现未消化的食物。
- There are no feces being produced or very tiny amount of feces. 没有或只排出极少量的便便。
- Viva citizen of small a little a little China pig feces Republic. 小小小小小支那豚民粪共和国万歳。
- Savage found that many of the hair, feces, footprints. 多次发现野人的毛发、粪便、脚印。
- If a chimp at the zoo flings feces at you, throw some right back. 如果一只动物园里的黑猩猩拿便便扔你,你也找东西扔他。
- Mucosanguineous stool is a warning of malignant tumors of the colon and ulcerative colitis. 结直肠腺瘤性息肉是结直肠肿瘤的高危因素。
- Poi, uscito ancora verso la sesta e la nona ora, fece lo stesso. 他们就去了。约在正午和下午三点钟,他又出去,也是这样作。