- Employment of empirical methods, as in science. 经验方法的运用,例如在科学中
- He had literary tastes, and was well read in science. 他喜欢文学而且他科学知识渊博。
- He had a literary taste and was well read in science. 他有文学爱好,也熟谙科学。
- Onward movement in a particular direction; progress. 进展,进程,经历以特定方向向前运动; 进展
- There was a sudden movement in the undergrowth. 矮树丛里突然有什么东西动了一下。
- In science, mistakes always precede the truth. 在科学的领域中,错误一定会出现在真理之前。
- A short preliminary movement in a larger work. 序曲大型作品中的短小的起始乐章
- Movement in an opposite direction. 倒退在相反方向上的运动
- He showed special interest in science. 他对科学表现出特殊的兴趣。
- That was the dissident movement in Poland. 那是波兰的持不同政见者的运动。
- They attained outstanding achievements in science. 他们在科学方面取得了突出的成就。
- She was especially well-read in science. 她科学方面的书读得特别多。
- I detected a slight movement in the undergrowth. 我发现灌木丛中有些动静.
- Experiment is the final arbiter in science. 实验是科学的最后仲裁者。
- There has been no movement in oil prices. 石油价格没有变化。
- There are many unknowns in science. 科学上还有许多未知之处。
- And suddenly! A movement in the corner of the room! 突然!房间的角落有什么动静!
- We have made enormous strides in science. 我们在科学方面有了长足的进展。
- An art movement in French cinema in the 1960s. 二十世纪六十年代法国电影业的一场艺术运动。
- He has a singular interest in science. 他对科学特别有兴趣。